Funny how BStreets dominates now.
I love the above look. The question for me is will it look like separate buildings or just like a fake Disney village.

I think it will look significantly better than a fake Disney village, and will fool most people at a glance. But closer inspection will show the truth, that this is a master-planned block.

Take the rendering below. I totally see what they were going for with the setbacks and their varying heights. But, honestly where do you see it done like that in the city? Historically, buildings typically end up mirroring their neighbours in height and being much more consistent with their massing (look at any streetcar suburb in the city, or even directly across the street on the north side of Bloor). Here, it is a splash of different heights, setbacks and massing. Which I think will result in a very desirable end product, but not as if they were built by different owners.

The question for me is will it look like separate buildings or just like a fake Disney village.

I think it will look exactly like what it is - a mix of materials, textures, and varying urban grain - and I think that's great.

If the design was a faux-historical and tacky/garish, I'd oppose it, but I don't think there is a great likelihood that people will mistake it for buildings from different times or different builders. Perhaps that's one of the conceptual drivers but I think it can stand on its own for what it is - a development with more than one singular architectural treatment.
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next time i'm through this intersection is going to feel very weird with no Honest Eds on the corner. It's going to feel very empty for the next year or two until this project gets above ground again.
I'm rather happy to see it gone. I've always thought it was tacky..the building that is. NOT the passion and memories many have.
Even though I'm excited for this project, looking at @ckupr's excellently timed pics showing the landmark signs coming down is mildly traumatic.

This feels like the right response. Introducing the new community is absolutely the right thing to do, it's just a shame to see the sign go. It is our history.
I'm not sure that Honest Eds was any more tacky/tackier than the rest of Toronto. I mean, have you looked around? This ain't exactly Paris.

Give me a break. One can't compare compare ANY city on the planet to Paris. Plus Toronto is a great city. An interesting city. It is not at all tacky in comparison to many cities. Toronto is constantly listed as one of the best places in the world to live and have a great life. Toronto is a safe and diverse city. Toronto is not a city of blight. This city has improved immensely in the last few decades in all categories. Our condo designs and architecture have room for improvement but we are lucky enough to be in a place where there is so much going on in a positive way.
Plus on top of all that I still think that Honest Ed's was an eyesore.
