That said, I am going to learn to stop worrying so much about this particular project, even though I think there are better ideas. It's turning out to be a more slowly implemented project, and some aspects are reasonable. I just want to get this out of the way to fix Hurontario with some LRT.

That is my attitude towards most every transit project at the moment. Right now I think the best thing would be to just have any projects that are ready to start be built out. That way at least some transit expansion is taking place and in the meantime, it gives transit advocates and planners a chance to propose much better plans in a few years time.
So has construction started on the Mississauga Transitway or not? Funding has been secured, so why do they not start?
The GTAA will also extend the Airport People Mover to Eglinton/Renforth. this the actual proposal? This would make it impossible to ever extend it to connect with the GO line. Extending the People Mover would also require its complete shutdown for quite a while.
I'd like to see some confirmation of this, but if so, it wouldn't surprise me. I think the GTAA has placed its bets on Blue22 (maybe even have a thumb in that pie), and has explictly mooted alternatives. this the actual proposal? This would make it impossible to ever extend it to connect with the GO line. Extending the People Mover would also require its complete shutdown for quite a while.

GO is the one that is proposed to build a rail link to the People Mover (as a spur of the Georgetown line) and riders will transfer between them at Viscount Rd, and the Viscount station of the People Mover already exists so no extension is needed for this connection.

A connection to the regional transit terminal at Eglinton/Renforth is explicitly mentioned in Chapter 6 of the GTAA Master Plan: "A transit right-of-way from the east end of the New Terminal (Terminal 1) to Renforth Drive has also been protected as illustrated in Figure 34. This will allow future flexibility to provide a transit link to a proposed transit facility in the Renforth Drive and Eglinton Avenue area."
Too bad the people mover won't be extended up to Woodbine (Live!), but I guess, at some point in the distant future, some screwball light rail scheme could connect the airport with Woodbine on its way to who knows where.
I know the master plan mentioned it, but it always seemed to be an off-in-the-distance possibility for which they were protecting a right-of-way.
I thought it could be extended north or south but not both due to technical limitations of the cables not reaching that far, or something like that...did they preserve both rights-of-way just in case?
I thought it could be extended north or south but not both due to technical limitations of the cables not reaching that far, or something like that...did they preserve both rights-of-way just in case?

Yes, they preserved both rights of way, but since it's basically a high-tech cable car (or more accurately a horizontal elevator), all of the equipment would have to be torn out and replaced if it were to be extended.
I don't think the Spadina subway extension has started construction either, so I wouldn't complain. this the actual proposal? This would make it impossible to ever extend it to connect with the GO line. Extending the People Mover would also require its complete shutdown for quite a while.

I dont think it would have to be shut down for too long. The cable doesnt have to be run until construction of most of the track is complete. If anything, it would only be out of service for a few days as the new track is connected to the existing track and a new cable is run through it.
There are massive MASSIVE concrete forms at either end of the current APM tracks. Extending it would take it out of service for waaaaay longer than a few days.

Since there can't be more than one cable car on any cable, extending it means increasing the wait time between services. At present it's 3.5 minutes max wait at peak, 7 minutes at night when only one is operating. Now if both cars were operating at night no problem but what about daytime?
