Said it before, will say it again: to me it all comes down to the LRT being built here. If it comes in, this area will be great. If it doesn't, I think it'll hobble along until it does. I just don't think that without it this area will ever feel properly connected to the city.

I've heard from a decent source that the feds are wanting to put some skin in the game on the East Bayfront LRT, and a funding announcement isn't too too far off. I do agree - LRT here is a must for the area to be successful.
I've heard from a decent source that the feds are wanting to put some skin in the game on the East Bayfront LRT, and a funding announcement isn't too too far off. I do agree - LRT here is a must for the area to be successful.
Well, here's to hoping. Though I won't hold my breath. Our infrastructure deficit is a complete mess, so after a while you get cynical.
I've heard from a decent source that the feds are wanting to put some skin in the game on the East Bayfront LRT, and a funding announcement isn't too too far off. I do agree - LRT here is a must for the area to be successful.

I hope this is the case. The density that is headed to QQE will be unbearable without some for am transit.
Wow, if the water access and close proximity to downtown enjoyed by East Bayfront, not the mention the big bucks being poured into new infrastructure and amenities, is considered to be "hobbling along" and not being "properly connected" to the city, then so so many neighbourhoods in this town would give their eye teeth to be similarly hobbled and disconnected, LRT or not.
Wow, if the water access and close proximity to downtown enjoyed by East Bayfront, not the mention the big bucks being poured into new infrastructure and amenities, is considered to be "hobbling along" and not being "properly connected" to the city, then so so many neighbourhoods in this town would give their eye teeth to be similarly hobbled and disconnected, LRT or not.
Well, maybe. But I'm not so sure. For one, it's possible to agree with you here while biting the bullet by saying, yeah, a lot of neighborhoods in Toronto might envy QQE once it's developed out. After all, a lot of neighborhoods in Toronto are poorly serviced by public transit, making getting around all the more difficult.

To take the other tack, I spose I can agree that 'hobble along' might be hyperbolic. But compare QQE to Liberty Village. There there are many amenities--really anything you need for day-to-day living is within the neighborhood--and it's generally located in a desirable part of town. But its Achilles' hell is the lack of transit into the core. Sure, it's further away from downtown than QQE, making walking from the latter more realistic. But overall, I still think that regardless of the amenities and location of QQE, without a viable, dedicated transit line it'll never reach its full potential, and in 10 years we'll be hearing about the same problems we're hearing of today in Liberty Village.
That's really apples and oranges. East Bayfront is much more proximate to the downtown. According to Google Maps, it's a 45 minute walk to King and Bay from Liberty St. at Atlantic Ave., versus 20 minutes from East Bayfront. Lack of transit will not have the same impact.

Don't get me wrong. I think the East Bayfront LRT is essential (although I think it's the precincts to the east, like Keating and Lower Don Lands, that will rely more on higher order transit than East Bayfront). I just don't think a lengthy delay in the LRT (fingers crossed it is merely a delay) is going to adversely impact the build out or desirability of East Bayfront, nor do I think we'll have another Liberty Village on our hands (the problems with Liberty Village extending beyond transit links to the core). Will the East Bayfront precinct be much better with it? Of course. But the fundamentals of the neighbourhood are sufficiently strong that I don't see the lack of LRT meaningfully interfering with the area's momentum.
September 4, 2016

I've heard from a decent source that the feds are wanting to put some skin in the game on the East Bayfront LRT, and a funding announcement isn't too too far off. I do agree - LRT here is a must for the area to be successful.

For what it's worth, I heard there's a funding announcement coming this fall. (Also from a decent source)
