I kind of wish this one went up before the stuff south of Queens Quay so that a higher bar could be set and compared against.
Will that sugar plant move in the future? If so how much do you think that land is worth and what could be built on it ? I like to see a new stadium with underground parking that would be cool!
It would be great to have a public use for all that land, not more offices or condos. It could be a park, stadium or cultural institution. While there's no indication that Redpath is interested in moving, the land is only going to increase in value as downtown grows and the East Bayfront matures into an attractive neighbourhood. In the meantime, it's commendable that they're investing in their facility so that it's not an eyesore.
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Will that sugar plant move in the future? If so how much do you think that land is worth and what could be built on it ? I like to see a new stadium with underground parking that would be cool!

I gather it's a pretty good operation for Redpath; no reason to think they have any plans to move even in the long-ish term, really.
I gather it's a pretty good operation for Redpath; no reason to think they have any plans to move even in the long-ish term, really.
Does the city have means to raise the property tax, thus force Redpath out?
My guess it Redpath is a serious contributor to the local economy in terms of direct jobs, spin off business opportunities, real estate and business taxes, in addition to being a long term, responsible corporate citizen. It's a business, no different than Corus except their products and activity are both rooted in materials, vs., intellectual property. No one would dare ask Corus to pack up and move. The diversity of our waterfront, combined with the evolution toward being it a new and prosperous neighbourhood is a credit to us all.
Does the city have means to raise the property tax, thus force Redpath out?

Why would one even want to do that? Toronto has the 2nd biggest food manufacturing industry in north America after LA and refined sugar made from Caribbean sugar cane (US industry uses cheaper and inferior sugar made from corn) is one of its built in competitive advantages. Not only is Redpath a key component but it pumps a lot of money and jobs into Toronto.

Shall we try to evict Corus from Toronto too? Let's just close down all industry while we're at it and have our entire population work at Starbuck outlets.
