my god, sometimes i think you only like things that are by Aa....
"Showy" I get that, yes, as it relates to the people - I don't think it competes with or overpowers us like the Garnier and it isn't showy in that sense - mostly it's a neutral-toned vehicle for us to be our best in and we don't have to compete with gold paint and red velvet and decorative Classical columns...).
I thought the "jigsaw" end of the podium was far more sculptural and interesting before... the windows' arrangement as well as the stacking look much better in this rendering... in fact, it was one of my favourite touches that I felt was very flattering to the whole PoMo aspect of things
Both Great Gulf and Urban Capital have recently opened sales centres for their waterfront residential development projects. Great Gulf opened the Monde sales centre at the beginning of December and 30% of the 513 units have been sold.
Developers really need to be held legally accountable for factual disclosure with this sort of thing. In a changing market where some projects are at risk of getting shelved, this becomes especially critical to a buyers' decision. It's hard to believe this isn't a legal enforceable obligation.
As far as any legal process - enrolments take place with the Tarion Warranty Corporation and any financial taxation obligations are tracked through the CRA. Accurate sales data for projects is tracked by firms such as Realnet & Urbanation.