really? I find this tower has some of the best massing of any in the city. (if no the best cladding)

If not the best cladding ? In all seriousness opinions always differ but don't push it :)

The cladding is no different then that used on many tridel projects, the difference is it is applied with a lot more thought. Also I have to add, it looks worse in person then in some of those pictures.

What I personally don't like is the precast box that frames the tower ... not the idea, that's great, its just the choice of material and colour ... here's what I think would have looked amazing, replace the beige precast with the marble / stone / precast (whatever the material is made from) that is at the base of the Aura tower, which looks great in person mind you, no matter the lighting condition.
If not the best cladding ? In all seriousness opinions always differ but don't push it :)

The cladding is no different then that used on many tridel projects, the difference is it is applied with a lot more thought. Also I have to add, it looks worse in person then in some of those pictures.

What I personally don't like is the precast box that frames the tower ... not the idea, that's great, its just the choice of material and colour ... here's what I think would have looked amazing, replace the beige precast with the marble / stone / precast (whatever the material is made from) that is at the base of the Aura tower, which looks great in person mind you, no matter the lighting condition.

That upgrade might affect their take home pay.Better stick with cheaper materials.
7 November 2012:

So please stop spreading the false dichotomy that spandrel is used because developers are being cheap since glass in always the more expensive choice.

Thank you! Finally it appears common sense is prevailing in the hyperbolic world of UT! :)
Developers almost always use the cheapest glazing for residential projects, whether it be glass or spandrel. Someone buys the unit and it's out of the developer's hands and doesn't require any long-term costs from the developer for repairs or maintenance.

Look at how many office towers are curtain-wall (pretty much all of them) and how many residential projects (especially when you remove hotel/condos from the mix) are window-wall.
Developers almost always use the cheapest glazing for residential projects, whether it be glass or spandrel. Someone buys the unit and it's out of the developer's hands and doesn't require any long-term costs from the developer for repairs or maintenance.

Look at how many office towers are curtain-wall (pretty much all of them) and how many residential projects (especially when you remove hotel/condos from the mix) are window-wall.

Wrong... all buildings have warranty, so developers are still on the hook if something goes wrong with the cladding within the warranty period (10 years I believe). Even outside of the warranty period, a developer could still be sued if there are problems with the cladding, as was seen at Matrix where the condo board took Concord to court over their balconies being defective. Concord is now replacing all of their balconies, despite the building no longer being under warranty.
Developers almost always use the cheapest glazing for residential projects, whether it be glass or spandrel. Someone buys the unit and it's out of the developer's hands and doesn't require any long-term costs from the developer for repairs or maintenance.

This is a rental that the developer will keep longer term so no reason for them to go cheap.
Exactly. They build systems that will likely last through a warranty period but not necessarily much longer. This is no secret; I've heard how developers operate and the things they dictate to their architects and there is very little done above the bare minimum required.

Anyone who thinks the window wall systems developers are using all over this city every day are not low-wrung/cheap systems (by industry standards), you are kidding yourself.
It's turning out to be a wonderful companion to the great One City Hall next door. Off topic, you can really see how the City Hall towers need a scrubbing in rdaner's photo above.
