Yeah, the hydro station is south of the s/w corner. The building on the n/w corner should stay as is, in my opinion.
Yeah, the hydro station is south of the s/w corner. The building on the n/w corner should stay as is, in my opinion.

Ah, my bad. You are both right. And yes, the building in the NW corner with the barbershop needs to stay. It looks good. Most of the buildings between Bay and University on the North side of Dundas are quite decent.
Looks great. My only criticism is that you can't see it from NPS. Looking south one gets a fantastic big city view. Looking north... where's the city???
The idea is to not have buildings poking above City Hall from NPS and ruining that view. Maybe you feel differently about how other buildings poking above City Hall would look from NPS though.

I think that has to do with the big parking lot directly to the NW of City Hall, the other parking lot just S of Sick Kids, and the low density on Yonge. If Yonge gets a few 150m+ towers N of City Hall, that view will change considerably. Sadly, nothing is planned for those 2 parking lots I mentioned. I don't understand why either. They're in prime development locations.
The idea is to not have buildings poking above City Hall from NPS and ruining that view. Maybe you feel differently about how other buildings poking above City Hall would look from NPS though.

Is this part of city policy? I understand that the view was iconic for a few decades, but personally I don't think it would be ruined by having buildings poke out behind it. The land directly north of NPS and east of University is primed for development, and I can't see how height restrictions would serve it well.
The City tries to protect the view corridors on new & old City Halls and the Ontario Legislature, but it's a battle that the OMB has already demonstrated that it won't support.
I think it is a great addition to the Yonge/Dundas area.

Plus it is a rental. Last time I checked, there are very few rental apartments in the area. Would provide options for hundreds of professionals and probably students who work and study in downtown. How cool is it to live at Bay/Dundas.
