^^The perfect faces for radio, I say!
Thank God it's rising! What a sharp pair of towers this will be!
A lot depends on his stamina. They have two cranes on site now, and he has to operate them both. From dawn till dusk he scrambles down one and up the other, hoists something around, then scrambles down again and runs back to the first crane...

It must be really hectic on the days when its his turn to do the dishes after lunch...he might even miss nap time!!

thats some shocking dedication
Oct. 20th update

A little bit of progress since the Oct. 5th photo update


Looks like it'll meet the street well. Nice to see considering many Bay St. condos are set back too far.
Looks like it'll meet the street well. Nice to see considering many Bay St. condos are set back too far.

Indeed, I agree.

I'm very familiar with this area, my first condo was a s/w corner unit at Opera Place facing Grovsner St. so I'm very familiar with this property having overlooked it as a dealership for so long. Today I was suddenly struck with how big a floorplate this building has now that most of it is one level above street. The photos above cannot illustrate this, so consider both phases of The Met together with a common base and you get the idea. This project is really huge.
Four following posts regarding the Burano project site have been moved to that thread.

Awesome, and to think that by january they might be up another 2-3 floors! Can't wait for the pics :p
Such a tease. I'm really looking forward to seeing the cladding on this to see what's in store for the whole project.
I noticed the good progress last week on the north tower as I zipped by in a cab but it seems strange that the south tower seems stalled for some reason.
