
Yes across the street.


I'm not employed with the city.


The details are still being worked out - my info is based on a few conversations - I haven't seen the submission or any working drawings.
Also the podium will be 2s and will maintain the heritage facade of the Addison Dealership. There is going to be special attention paid to creating a grand entrance/lobby in the area where the parking lot exists at the north end of the site.
"Yes across the street"

Damn I thought it was attached to 1 & 2, already made a mock-up of how it might look.

Thanks for the info Mike.
48s cool.i guess we have to wait for the next council agendas
for a peek at this one
Also the podium will be 2s and will maintain the heritage facade of the Addison Dealership. There is going to be special attention paid to creating a grand entrance/lobby in the area where the parking lot exists at the north end of the site.

That's the most important thing. Good to hear.
Will the dealership *itself* be going anywhere? (I'm almost presuming it'll join those other carriage-trade retailers around the foot of the Don...)
"Will the dealership *itself* be going anywhere?"

I imagine to the portlands joining once again with the facilities (used car?) once where phase 1 & 2 is now rising
Does anybody have a picture of the dealership? Just looking for some sort of modeling refference.


Pic were provided, thanks Cass.
This is what a tower will look like rising from the base. I hope to finish this providing I still have no actual work at work today :)

LOL^, You know when I did the render I was thinking the exact same thing. But that is how the old dealership building looks.

Great, I was just given work to do, this will have to go on hold for now :(
I think it's very exciting if this project develops. All the crappy looking dealerships gone and the Addison facade remains. Good deal!
