Whistler: At first I thought that was an actual photo of a base you were liking. Didn't notice until I read your comment you had created it. Looking good!
All the crappy looking dealerships gone and the Addison facade remains.

How is Addison--the dealership, that is--"crappy looking", per se? After all, they've been there since it was built--indeed, a more-than-fair "integrity" argument might be made that the building's better off serving Addison now than its facade serving as a condo false-front. And Bay Street was always the carriage-trade auto-row--Addison's the last functioning survivor. It's hardly "blight", it's true to what it's always been.

No, I'm not demanding that Addison stay there forever. But from a heritage-sensitive viewpoint, your judgment sounds terribly shortsighted...
How is Addison--the dealership, that is--"crappy looking", per se?

I did use "dealerships" referring to both properties. Perhaps I should have been clearer by specifying the used car lot (now Murano) and not just the remaining Addison building.

I have the highest degree of respect for Addison running a respectable and successful busines at that location for some 80 odd years but given the value of the land I'm excited at the prospect of the Bay St. facade getting some needed attention and a new life by being worked into a future project. Better than being bulldozed.
Just need to texture, light, and throw a deformer on this bad boy and it's done.

Thanks Billy, it still needs a lot of work at this point. I used phase 1 as the template for this tower and just added 5 floors.
Whistler I found a good pic of Murano 3, the trapezoid, for you to work with.


Re: Phase 3.....

You guys are hilarious. And talented. Amazing.

Addison always makes me think of my friend Janice. In the 90's when we both worked on Grenville she was very nearly creamed by a piece of the dealership that fell off the second floor, it missed her by a few feet. For several years after it was held up with wires.
3D, you're hired.

Ed, that's great news. I didn't know you were even aware I was lookin' for a change.

2 Questions:

1. Salary? My last full-time gig paid me 80K, but that was before the "Dementia" set in... so I am willing to discount (bear in mind I have a T.O. mortgage).

2. As a courtesy, I thought it appropriate to enquire as to exactly what I have been hired to do.

Looking forward... to working with you.

If I'm hired that's great. I could use the extra funds to finally pay off my student loans and buy some desperately needed furniture.
