I must say judging by the rendering I thought they were going for an in(spire)d look: multi-coloured "murano" panels, curtainwall-style glass. Maybe the delay caused by hitting the underground creek cost too much money resulting in a change of plans? Wouldn't surpise me!
I must say judging by the rendering I thought they were going for an in(spire)d look: multi-coloured "murano" panels, curtainwall-style glass.

This is what I thought exactly. I was thinking curtain wall glass. !

What the Murano actually got was standard condo glass, with mullions.

Winter blah, blah, blah!!!
The name certainly implies that there would be something remarkable about the glass. It appears that that will not be the case.
From now on, the renderings should be made to look worse than the final structure. That we, we'd be pleasantly surprised all the time.
Well the mullions do seem to form an interesting pattern. Maybe the pattern will take on more life as the cladding rises? Definately not exactly like the render, but still a little too soon to write this one off yet, imo. (oh my god I'm an optimist and didn't even know it).
I walk by Murano every day and I actually kind of like how it's going. The towers are going to be much more slender than what I was expecting (these might be the pointiest point towers to go up in this boom), and I kind of like the window wall. It doesn't much resemble the rendering, but I do think it's of a much higher quality than what Spire got.
The rendering was horribly unrealistic to start off with - given the nature of the project, there is no way they could have afforded curtain wall which it implies. Not the best of aA, but it's going to be fine.

I walked past this the other day and was pleasently surprised. Yes, it will look very very very similar to Spire, Pure Spirit, etc., etc., and yes, the curtain wall is not the flush, high-gloss 'expensive' cladding that was suggested. The cladding though is just a tad bit different, sufficiently decent looking and the buildings are so damn thin, that I think that the project, in its big picture, will be a winning and a welcome addition to the street (anything to counter the base of ROCP!!).
In the bright light of day when you look at the West Window wall, the reflection looks exactly like the render. If you take a close look at the render you will see that there is only a slight difference in the windows. But as these 2 babies rise, I think it will quite a stunner given how thin it is.
Absolutely lovin' the glass. This building's going to be quite a looker.

Too bad about the vents that are coming out of the west side though. The glass effect would be absolutely perfect without it.

I didn't realize before that the balconies were only about a foot and a half deep.



Looks a lot better than some other condos going up across the City. Now that it's above ground, it is rising pretty quickly, at least the north tower is. thanks for the pics.
Good point, those balconies are very shallow. The floorplans don't offer balcony measurements but they do illustrate angled loungers, tables and chairs on the balconies. It's hard to say from a distance, but I'm not sure that's possible.

When I was by last week there appeared to be more activity happening at the south tower so hopefully we'll see some movement there too.
