Looks like this will now be 2 towers:




First the Monroe towers and now these! Damn you Mississauga, give us these awesome towers!
Mods, some more info from Icon's website to update the thread title:

45 & 71 Agnes Street
28 & 32 storeys, 570 Units
Mississauga, Ontario
This project is going to Planning & Development on April 10

Still 28s, owners are Eminence Living Inc with Icon Architects doing the shadow testing. Its an rental building with 282 units

The zoning calls for 13 story and City Staff is supporting the 28s

Its for 45 Agnes St site only and a nice looking building

Thread Title: 45 Agnes Street, Eminence Living Inc, 28s, Icon Architects,
dataBase file updated with new stats and new renderings.

Two years since being taken over by Eminence Living, that company still does not have a web-presence, so no UrbanToronto profile for them, therefore their name is not yet in the thread title.

One other oddity; Mississauga doesn't count the height in terms of the number of metres for the zoning bylaw, they count the storeys. So this seems to be approved for 28 storeys, no matter how tall those storeys are. Bizarre. (Despite that, I'm referencing the 302 ft/92 m from the previous design by the same architects at the same number of storeys.)

dataBase file updated with new stats and new renderings.

Two years since being taken over by Eminence Living, that company still does not have a web-presence, so no UrbanToronto profile for them, therefore their name is not yet in the thread title.

One other oddity; Mississauga doesn't count the height in terms of the number of metres for the zoning bylaw, they count the storeys. So this seems to be approved for 28 storeys, no matter how tall those storeys are. Bizarre. (Despite that, I'm referencing the 302 ft/92 m from the previous design by the same architects at the same number of storeys.)

The city for unknown reasons doesn't list height in any measure other than floors.

Also, it was to go to Planning & Development on June 23, 2014 and no idea what happen then.

A lot of companies and Architects have no websites with some saying coming soon years ago and still not on line.
The city for unknown reasons doesn't list height in any measure other than floors.

Also, it was to go to Planning & Development on June 23, 2014 and no idea what happen then.

A lot of companies and Architects have no websites with some saying coming soon years ago and still not on line.

I would say Toronto is more the odd one to put a precedence on height in metres over allowable density and/or number of storeys across North America. It's usually 4 storeys max or 2 FAR opposed to 40 feet. I'm pretty sure most of the 905 follows Mississauga's trend with the precedence on the number of units per hectare than the actual shape of the development.
45 Agnes in the December 7th Planning and Development Committee regarding the community benefits contribution:
https://pub-mississauga.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=7444 (Page 64-70)

Staff have concluded that the proposed Section 37 Community Benefit is appropriate, based on the increased height and density being recommended through the official plan amendment and rezoning applications. The proposal adheres to the criteria contained in the Corporate Policy and Procedure on Bonus Zoning. Further, the contribution towards development of parks in the Cooksville area will help to implement the list of guiding principle in Mississauga Official Plan
