Great to hear initiatives to redesign Butterfield Park. As time went on, the current space continued to become increasingly tired looking. PFS Studio were also involved in the revitalization of Grange Park.
Great to hear initiatives to redesign Butterfield Park. As time went on, the current space continued to become increasingly tired looking. PFS Studio were also involved in the revitalization of Grange Park.

The space as executed (which frankly is what, just a concrete pad with some whatever vegetation scattered around) was pretty awful right from the start. Since it is an art school, shouldn't we have something whimsical and outlandish there?

Like Tarot Garden in Italy? They should rename the Park after Alsop.

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Maybe they can improve the vents that are "supposed to" suck in all the angsty cigarette smoke. Lot's of potential in that tiny space - I've had many good chats in that spot.
I mean I guess this got a bit better, but it still turns its back on its most important frontage, and I have little faith in DSAI's ability to make a prominent metal-clad elevation not look horrible.
I mean I guess this got a bit better, but it still turns its back on its most important frontage, and I have little faith in DSAI's ability to make a prominent metal-clad elevation not look horrible.
Still looks pretty much the same, and I still don't like it.

It's a project born out of a compromised site, and which is navigated in a less-than-satisfactory manner, with more emphasis being placed on quirky cladding than on delineating readable masses and forms.

Honestly if they're stuck with this massing, they should just embrace neo-brutalism for this project and contextually reference from the 1970s-era AGO wings.
I mean I guess this got a bit better, but it still turns its back on its most important frontage, and I have little faith in DSAI's ability to make a prominent metal-clad elevation not look horrible.
This is Morphosis, Teeple, and Two Row working together. We'll have the database file and thread title updated soon!

I don't mind the conversation the south elevation is trying to have with Alsop, but the north is butt ugly (butt as in back door). I'd prefer some transparency randomly framed with articulated white precast (ala Piano's court)... sort of twin nods via materials to '70s AGO and Gehry.

OCAD U proceeds with plans for new building

September 24, 2020

Since April 2019, OCAD University has been working on a proposal to build an extension to 100 McCaul St., part of its campus expansion project to revitalize and expand its core campus facilities, including new classrooms and dedicated space for an Indigenous Learning Centre.

This work has involved engaging with various stakeholders, including the City of Toronto’s planning staff and members of the university and local community to respond to issues and address questions about the project.

In February 2020, a public meeting was held to obtain feedback from the OCAD U community and neighbourhood. This feedback was incorporated in the University’s resubmission of a rezoning application to the City of Toronto in early August 2020. At the same, the University submitted an application for site plan approval, which is a necessary step in any construction project.

Recent news stories about the resubmission and application have created the impression that the University is ready to break ground and complete construction in the 2020-21 academic year.

At this time, OCAD U is exploring options for financing while at the same time moving the project forward through the city’s approval process, one that can take between 12 and 18 months, so it can be in a position to begin construction once it has secured funding.

Project planning will continue this fall with the University expecting to receive comments from the City of Toronto about its applications. Upon approval for the site plan, the next step is to obtain approval for a building permit. However, the University will apply for a building permit only once it has confirmation about the project’s financing.

Don’t think that there is much new info but good to see these projects are still a go!

Ugh they scooped this from my Twitter.

Posted 6 hrs ago and the article was dropped 1 hr ago
