One Beddy from the NW


I like the proportions of this building. The massing of the big base, smallish tower reminds me a bit of Whitney Block.
I noticed today that One Bedford makes a considerable impression, all the way over to Bloor & Yonge.
More of this one. Looks Like me and CML were out around the same time. Thanks for the shots, CML!





Great pics CML and Hypno!!
Great pics CML and Hypno!!

Yup! :D

I really love how many angles we can get of One Bed. cause its the tallest thing on the block! Its rare we get to see a tower from those angles :D! I absolutely love how the tower looks!
This tower is like 18 Yorkville's bigger, muscular brother. I really like it.
^looks amazing! though it's more than double the height of a lot of the surrounding buildings... and it might remain that way for quite a while.

what is that windowless brick building behind the planetarium? actually it looks to be connected to the faculty of music... why no windows though? better for acoustics?
