One Bed. look amazing in shot #6 of yours dt! ^^^ The cladding is spot on for this one! It's really blending in well with its neighbours! It's like its been here all along :D
Here's a shot i took on March 17, 2010 (2 days ago)

photo by steveve :D

I walk by this monster almost every day, as I study at U of T. It really is a beautiful beast of a structure! I never realized how huge it actually is --it's actually wider than I thought. I happen to think the design is quite nice -- simple but elegant. And there's some interesting work happening on the roof, with some weird cement structure with what looks like a hole in it lol. Not sure if that's the roof or if something will be built on top of that? Either way, t'will be a classy landmark....although I'm still pissed they closed some of my favourite restaurants (Swiss Chalet, Pizza Hut) to build it. U of T students kinda didn't like that one. There isn't much to eat immediately around campus.
Fair points, though I'm surprised that the major streets around U of T like Harbord, College and Spadina aren't being redeveloped with midrises that have student-geared accommodation, restaurants and stores.

One Bed sure has turned out great though, and I can't wait to see the knock-on effect it will have along that strip.
I walk by this monster almost every day, as I study at U of T. It really is a beautiful beast of a structure! I never realized how huge it actually is --it's actually wider than I thought. I happen to think the design is quite nice -- simple but elegant. And there's some interesting work happening on the roof, with some weird cement structure with what looks like a hole in it lol. Not sure if that's the roof or if something will be built on top of that? Either way, t'will be a classy landmark....although I'm still pissed they closed some of my favourite restaurants (Swiss Chalet, Pizza Hut) to build it. U of T students kinda didn't like that one. There isn't much to eat immediately around campus.

Yeah... i too miss the pizza hut and harveys they used to have... Its such a shame now that even more projects have taken away all the former restaurants along that strech of bloor... And now Bazis is even planning exhibit which will take out the huge Mcdonalds... Now we'll all have to eat at the ROM restaurant...

And yes... One Bedford looks better in person than it did in those old fashioned renders... Museum house might just be dominated by this thing!
thats a great vantage point! You could try pressing your camera lens right up to the glass to prevent the reflections....
I agree... Nice vantage point! I haven't seen a shot from there before :)

One Bed goes very nicely with the little cluster of buildings at Ave/Bloor! 155 cumberland some how reminisces of the L shaped building at the corner of Ave/Bloor (can't remember the name of it! I think it sounds something like Renaissance plaza or something like that.. the building that surrounds the church-like building)... This shot makes me WANT Museum house up! I think its height and shape will go just right with one bedford!
Some shots I took today with my new L glass :)

Coming along very nicely. (Bedford Road- St. George Stn. exit)

Peeking over Trin. (My home college at U of T)


Philosopher's Walk

Le fin.
Great pics! Those white accents that go up the building look very nice! Interesting in your photos how the glass looks dark blue rather than greenish! It looks nice against those white accents!
Great pics! Those white accents that go up the building look very nice! Interesting in your photos how the glass looks dark blue rather than greenish! It looks nice against those white accents!

(I changed the color line of the image to boost the sky.) I'll upload one unedited photo.


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1 April 2010:

Today walking by I decided it's a cheap imitation of 18 Yorkville--the base is nice, and fills the lot well, but the tower portion is not as pretty as 18 Yorkville.

Good for you. Thankfully your opinion is merely subjective.
