Exactly. And I think that's okay.

That courtyard cut-in area would be dead without it. And it will be a nice view from the lobby too.
I'm not so certain whether it makes a difference in whether it's "dead" or not.

And by and large, re such shenanigans, I'd still prefer Tin House Court in Ottawa
Looks more like Verona than Ottawa, lovely!

These pieces of architectural salvage gain more meaning and value over time, even if done somewhat clumsily. I mean, who would gripe at a fragment of medieval wall jutting out of a Haussmann townhouse, no matter how cumbersome or jarring it may be?
nice and clean .... i like it. I know a lot of people want off the wall type of designs like the marilyn towers in sauga but you can't go wrong with a nice clean simple looking talll tower.
Another lost opportunity

It's really too bad that the Varsity Stadium wall comes right up to the sidewalk. How nice it would have been if the field/track/stadium being rebuilt could have been shifted even five meters to the south leaving room along Bloor for something more people friendly like stalls for book sellers, etc.

This would have involved encroachment on the Trinity parking lot but some arrangement should have been possible.
It's really too bad that the Varsity Stadium wall comes right up to the sidewalk. How nice it would have been if the field/track/stadium being rebuilt could have been shifted even five meters to the south leaving room along Bloor for something more people friendly like stalls for book sellers, etc.

I agree. Furthermore, I think a sports field opening up onto Bloor (of all streets) is bizarre, to say the least.
Yeah, we wouldn't want any variety to add interest to Bloor.

One of the best rooflines in the city. Love it.

I like it too, it can be seen all the way over to Church & Bloor to the east.
It's really too bad that the Varsity Stadium wall comes right up to the sidewalk. How nice it would have been if the field/track/stadium being rebuilt could have been shifted even five meters to the south leaving room along Bloor for something more people friendly like stalls for book sellers, etc.

This would have involved encroachment on the Trinity parking lot but some arrangement should have been possible.

stalls for book sellers? :confused:
are you friends with that weird guy who lays out books for sale outside oise?

I actually think it's cool for passers-by to catch a glimpse of sports games & major competitions going on there. Usain Bolt was there a few summers ago, and sometimes there are even concerts staged there. Though I do think the revamp of the stadium could have been more tasteful.
And actually, reno's DID enroach on the trinity parking lot / sports field when they built that varsity pavillion thing on the south end. in exchange, the university paid for improvements to trinity's sports field.
