Waiting for Great Gulf?

I'm tired of waiting for this project.

RE: the food tangent... I prefer a good Licks Homeburger. Unfortunately there are not that many spots anymore and the locations that are left are horrid.
wow, great video post there! very appropriate indeed! you know I was just thinking the other day that its been a year and a half since GG purchased this property and what, like 10 years since various designs first started being proposed on this lot... come on already!
wow, great video post there! very appropriate indeed! you know I was just thinking the other day that its been a year and a half since GG purchased this property and what, like 10 years since various designs first started being proposed on this lot... come on already!

Yep..makes me think that there will be one more design change and this will be Toronto's first supertall.:D
Yep..makes me think that there will be one more design change and this will be Toronto's first supertall.:D

I doubt it - not GG - they are not risk takers.

Makes me think GG has cold feet - maybe site will be on the market soon? Maybe they are looking for a patner to share the risk?

The market is softening but supposedly this project was the best selling project last year.

It would be nice if GG would let everyone know what the heck is going on. If I had purchased one of these units, I think i'd be pretty nervous......again.
I'm tired of waiting for this project.

RE: the food tangent... I prefer a good Licks Homeburger. Unfortunately there are not that many spots anymore and the locations that are left are horrid.

And speaking of decimated gourmet-burger-type chains--we mustn't forget Toby's legacy upon the 1 Bloor site...
Baker Real Estate has tweeted that this will be the lobby for One Bloor (no joke??)......very unusual....


(PDF file)
Everytime I look at this updated thread all I see is wasted entries. GG is not hiding anything. Why all the drama? What exactly are they hiding?

1. The building is confirmed at 70 stories.

2. It's 80% sold.

3. It's stated to be ready Nov. 2014.

4. Construction is starting this Spring/Summer.

5. The picture above is the lobby, the render has been released for at least a month now. Pick up the free booklet at the sales centre.

6. Why would they have cold feet? The building is 80% sold. The only way this project would have issues would be if the investors backed out and we all know this is not going to happen with a company like GG.
