I'm assuming the 50 000 000$ budget is for the first phase. And DCN states its 65 Stories only.

I'm assuming the construction value of this project is 450-500 MIL, which was stated to me earlier by other industry professionals.
There is a huge shoring rig at One Bloor.


30 mins ago
There once was a site up on Bloor - a development by Bazis was sure
then along came the crash, their plans turned to ash
and Bazis became very poor

A year went by and hopes did fade - maybe a parking lot be made
but a tower would be no more

Great Gulf came along and for a virtual song
bought all that Bazis bore

Now here we are near the end of May, waiting for that glorious day
when this condo rises - floor by floor​
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That is a good sign, because it is probably rented so they won't want it sitting around for nothing.
There once was a site up on Bloor - a development by Bazis was sure
then along came the crash, their plans turned to ash
and Bazis became very poor

A year went by and hopes did fade - maybe a parking lot be made
but a tower would be no more

Great Gulf came along and for a virtual song
bought all that Bazis bore

Now here we are near the end Of May, waiting for that glorious day
when this condo rises - floor by floor​

Whoooa! Androiduk, you're not only good with the camera, you're a damn poet too. Me
likey. Can't wait for your next effort! You've elevated this site, culturally speaking.
There once was a site up on Bloor - a development by Bazis was sure
then along came the crash, their plans turned to ash
and Bazis became very poor

A year went by and hopes did fade - maybe a parking lot be made
but a tower would be no more

Great Gulf came along and for a virtual song
bought all that Bazis bore

Now here we are near the end Of May, waiting for that glorious day
when this condo rises - floor by floor​

you got talent, and nice paris pic on that web link.
Hah, I knew GG wouldnt have the kahonies to go to 70 floors - what a shame. This site deserves a more spectacular building. Ice II, will be taller and there are number of projects almost as tall or taller in the immediate area. Disappointing.
Hah, I knew GG wouldnt have the kahonies to go to 70 floors - what a shame. This site deserves a more spectacular building. Ice II, will be taller and there are number of projects almost as tall or taller in the immediate area. Disappointing.

It's common knowledge that DCN is probably the least reliable source in the industry when it comes to such numbers, and is often wrong, or in this case, simply outdated. The 70 storey floor count has been confirmed numerous times. Clearly this issue isn't going to die until this thing tops out.
^ or GG confirms it themselves - which we all know they won't.

Probably because it likely is 65 storeys and this will be overlooked with the noise of construction and the relief that the corner is no longer a potential parking lot.
It's common knowledge that DCN is probably the least reliable source in the industry when it comes to such numbers, and is often wrong, or in this case, simply outdated. The 70 storey floor count has been confirmed numerous times. Clearly this issue isn't going to die until this thing tops out.

As far as i know this was the last application to city planning..


Site Plan Approval 10 111411 STE 27 SA Ward 27
- Tor & E.York Jan 29, 2010 Application Submitted Jan 29, 2010 --- Maphangoh, Sipo

Site plan approval for new mixed use building - 63900 combined residential commercial space - 6500m2 non res - 2 stories above grade - 785 dewlling units - 497 parking spaces - 5 levels below grade parking.- 65 stories above grade. Refer to parent by-law 1167-2008 - Previous Site plan approval applied for building under 07 277668 STE27 OZ
Probably because it likely is 65 storeys and this will be overlooked with the noise of construction and the relief that the corner is no longer a potential parking lot.

Overlooked? Why would GG care if the public knows the official number of floors? The public doesn't care. No one, outside of a handful of geeks on this forum, cares. This isn't some scandal. Whether or not the public knows that the height is really only 65 storeys won't affect their bottom-line or reputation in any remotely significant way.
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Overlooked? Why would GG care if the public knows the official number of floors? The public doesn't care. No one, outside of a handful of geeks on this forum, cares. This isn't some scandal. Whether or not the public knows that the height is really only 65 storeys won't affect their bottom-line or reputation in any remotely significant way.

I agree when youre talking 200+meters, i couple meters here and a couple there who cares.
