The floor plans only go to the 65th floor however the website states "temporarily sold out" for some units, so perhaps there's always been the plan to add a few more floors if sales warrant.
As far as i know this was the last application to city planning..


Site Plan Approval 10 111411 STE 27 SA Ward 27
- Tor & E.York Jan 29, 2010 Application Submitted Jan 29, 2010 --- Maphangoh, Sipo

Site plan approval for new mixed use building - 63900 combined residential commercial space - 6500m2 non res - 2 stories above grade - 785 dewlling units - 497 parking spaces - 5 levels below grade parking.- 65 stories above grade. Refer to parent by-law 1167-2008 - Previous Site plan approval applied for building under 07 277668 STE27 OZ

As was posted in this thread 6 months ago:

Application: New Building Status: Under Review

Location: 1 BLOOR ST E

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 299436 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Nov 19, 2010

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res New Building

Description: Permit to construct new mixed use building - containing commercial residential - 2 floors commercial (with p1 level commercial concourse) 67 Residential storeies - 732 residential units - 6 levels below grade parking. - 531 parking spaces - 52 Visitor and 479 residential

So that's 2 retail, 67 residential and presumably 1 mechanical; i.e. 70 floors.
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The floor plans only go to the 65th floor however the website states "temporarily sold out" for some units, so perhaps there's always been the plan to add a few more floors if sales warrant.

Well a couple hundred new units were added a few months ago, which filled up those new 5 floors.

We're pretty much just re-hashing the last 6 months of this thread today, aren't we?
As was posted in this thread 6 months ago:

Application: New Building Status: Under Review

Location: 1 BLOOR ST E

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 299436 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Nov 19, 2010

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res New Building

Description: Permit to construct new mixed use building - containing commercial residential - 2 floors commercial (with p1 level commercial concourse) 67 Residential storeies - 732 residential units - 6 levels below grade parking. - 531 parking spaces - 52 Visitor and 479 residential

So that's 2 retail, 67 residential and presumably 1 mechanical; i.e. 70 floors.

Does anyone else see the humour in the fact that the Penthouse is going to be on Floor 69?
Hah, I knew GG wouldnt have the kahonies to go to 70 floors - what a shame. This site deserves a more spectacular building. Ice II, will be taller and there are number of projects almost as tall or taller in the immediate area. Disappointing.

What is taller in the immediate area?
What is taller in the immediate area?

Big Daddy was probably referring to 42 Charles East at 64 storeys, which might have been as tall as, or taller than, One Bloor at 65 storeys.

But since One Bloor looks to be 70 (or 69) storeys instead, and 42 Charles East has been downgraded to a mere 56 storeys, it will still be the tallest building in the immediate area, at least until the SW corner of Yonge and Bloor is redeveloped.
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They will probably skip 13, so I am pretty sure the penthouse will be level 70.

Maybe they'll also skip everything with a 4 in it like Concord Adex is fond of doing, making the penthouse floor 88 or something. See, this building is getting taller all the time! :>
Robin and I have been watching this space with interest, looking forward to a final floor count: he and I need to know how much Bat-Rope to pack into our suits, as you are well aware.

As Hariri Pontarini were throwing their Doors Open for the weekend, I asked my trusty, I mean I asked socialite Bruce Wayne if he would send his butler Alfred to check out the construction drawings for 1 Bloor. Here's what Alfred reports:

70 floors for citizens, with two floors of glassed-in mechanical above that, below that peaked roof. Come to think of it, that would be a perfect lair for Mr. Freeze. Robin and I will need a 234 metre long Bat-Rope to scale this puppy.


As an aside, Robin and I would like to appeal for more operable windows in tall buildings. They provide fresh air to the interior, a nice place to stop and chat, and allow us access to evildoers lairs without having to use our Bat-Glasscutter.

Thank you for your time, you may go about your business.
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Batman, thanks for the update.

BTW do you have any influence with The Don? If so, perhaps you could persuade him to build the Trump Stump higher and modify the design with a few cutouts for you and R. And thanks again.
Citizen, Robin and I have no time for the Trump Stump. If there is an arch-villain in Toronto, it's The Don. You can get a taste of what this monstrous mogul is doing in Scotland here:


Robin caught the film at HotDcos, and it shocked him.
