^hard to say who is more intelligent based on comments in a forum, perhaps just leaving it at older would have made the point. Letting people know one disagrees with their view is one thing, but berating or belittling them is another, I think the point has been made, and we could all try (a bit) to at least give each other the benefit of the doubt that each member is trying to contribute in their own manner, and therefore disagree respectively as much as possible. Thats really not that hard to do.

And yes, it is annoying to hear that it should be a supertall constantly, but its hardly something one couldn't just skip on the page no?

You do realize that your post supports the verbal pugilism in which you negatively imply I engage. What's more, UT has never been an easy place for new members. You are what you post and you have to accept that if people disagree with what you're saying, they'll let you know. I'd even go as far as to say that the recent glut of 'gee whiz, that tower is kewl but why can't it be a supertall' members have degraded the quality of discourse to the point that a number of older and more intelligent members have been driven away (eg. SNF, Archivist, etc.).


I will add that UT, for me, has been defined by its high level of discourse. I too was intimidated to comment and read for several months before I ever posted. If you bring careful thought, reasoning, and evidence to your posts you'll be fine. Toronto becomes a better city when we engage it, even on a message board. Comments like affordable's are a learning opportunity too - how does one offer their opinion constructively while not calling names? The more educated forumers here the better.
I'd even go as far as to say that the recent glut of 'gee whiz, that tower is kewl but why can't it be a supertall' members have degraded the quality of discourse to the point that a number of older and more intelligent members have been driven away (eg. SNF, Archivist, etc.).

Oh no, what do they do with their free time, then? Are they more active on SSP and SSC?
wow :(
well looks like my membership here will be short lived.

hang in there, urbanknights, the vast majority of people on UT are reasonable and respectful. There are a few hard cases, but I think you'll find most everyone here has a common interest in our city's amazing growth....:)
Reasonableness is one thing, UT is not a forum where supertall by default = good - it has to be justified by thoughtful arguments. And kris, I would highly advise you not to push it.

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I'd even go as far as to say that the recent glut of 'gee whiz, that tower is kewl but why can't it be a supertall' members have degraded the quality of discourse to the point that a number of older and more intelligent members have been driven away (eg. SNF, Archivist, etc.).

I take it then that you place yourself in another category?

There are a lot of people who may be new to these threads and they too have valid questions and observations. I myself have wondered why they chose to cut it off at 70 stories when, by all accounts, other developments are building taller. Not to mention this site was already approved for a tower taller than what is now under construction. Why can’t you relax and give a reasonable response when a newcomer (or anyone else for that matter) has a logical question like this instead of always going on the attack?
That must be a logistical nightmare to be bringing in a steady stream of dump trucks to such a busy intersection. Still tho, it's nice to see some steady progress here
For sure...great to see actual excavation taking place!
It's good to see some below grade progress. For a while there it looked like they were playing with the big boy toys. It appears they have a way to go on the downward, considering the scale
of the building. Would it be the better part of the winter before we see some concrete being poured? The logistics of vehicles at that corner must be a nightmare. Work after midnight must be the ideal time
for trucks in and out.
I go by the site almost every day and there's not a lot of disruption. There's a truck entrance on Bloor and another at the corner of Yonge & Hayden with flagmen at both locations. All in all, this is a highly organized and efficient site.
