Looks like good progress on this one. Should hit bottom by the middle of summer at the rate they're going
Looks like good progress on this one. Should hit bottom by the middle of summer at the rate they're going

Maybe even faster. Looking at the last 2 pics posted you can see they have gone down a full storey in 10 days. If they keep on this (recent) ridiculous pace, it could be bottomed out in less than a month :D
The day the crane is erected on this site will be a special one. To see an active crane swinging over this iconic, yet lamented, intersection (and after so many dispiriting years of inaction) should put a little skip in any T.O. lover's heart. (Except maybe the tall building haters, but they're getting to be fewer and fewer.)
If there is any intersection in Toronto that should be tall, this is it. Actually, I think this corner should have the tallest building in Toronto.
Maybe even faster. Looking at the last 2 pics posted you can see they have gone down a full storey in 10 days. If they keep on this (recent) ridiculous pace, it could be bottomed out in less than a month :D

The pace will slow a tad until the 3rd row of tie-backs are all stressed and test holes are drilled at the north end to determine precise depth of bedrock. The grade will then be reduced 3 meters to the 4th and final row of tie-backs. Caissons to support the building core will be drilled from that level, followed by more excavation.
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Excellent first post jump1, and +1 welcome to the forum!
