UT needs a FAQ or wiki :p
I second this - FAQ. Not just because people have to give out the same answers numerous times but more so because I think it would be a great reference point for both UT members and for other random visitors to the site. The definitive guide to construction in Toronto.

Anyone know why they're drilling at this stage?

Jump1 seemed to explain this on March 31st : "The pace will slow a tad until the 3rd row of tie-backs are all stressed and test holes are drilled at the north end to determine precise depth of bedrock. The grade will then be reduced 3 meters to the 4th and final row of tie-backs. Caissons to support the building core will be drilled from that level, followed by more excavation"
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How exciting to be in Toronto right now! All these big projects. Not much is taking place in Montreal!!
