Could this be the fastest underground pouring that we've seen? And this is no small footprint either. Unbelievable!
Could this be the fastest underground pouring that we've seen? And this is no small footprint either. Unbelievable!

Didn't GG post a video ages ago boasting how their amazingly efficient logistics-wrangling would make the building go up quickly? At the time I scoffed - because this thing was taking forever to get under way - but they really are going at a good clip now, so maybe there was something to it...
I don't recall ever seeing such fast progress on a project this size. Very impressive. Thanks for the pics hawk.
I don't know the formulas but I hope the concrete has enough time to cure properly before they load the next floor(s).
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I don't understand how the forum can almost universally praise this building before seeing the choice of cladding. Yes, I admit that the balcony design is kind of cool, but there really isn't much besides that. While Toronto does generally have decent balcony glass, I'm still worried about the vast amounts of glass not covered by balconies. I'm going to (continue to) err on the side of caution and wait until I see some cladding before praising the developer (especially if the cladding is window wall, which I suspect is the case).
I don't understand how the forum can almost universally praise this building before seeing the choice of cladding. Yes, I admit that the balcony design is kind of cool, but there really isn't much besides that. While Toronto does generally have decent balcony glass, I'm still worried about the vast amounts of glass not covered by balconies. I'm going to (continue to) err on the side of caution and wait until I see some cladding before praising the developer (especially if the cladding is window wall, which I suspect is the case).

It's already been confirmed that the cladding on the facades not covered by balconies will be curtain wall.
April 17
They are doing a floor every 3 weeks now as they just finished pouring the last section today.

They have form work up for the next level in the south-west corner.




I am sure this was asked in a previous comment, but for some reason I remember GG or the contractor stating at a press conference, that this tower was to be constructed from steel and not poured?
I think the consensus reached before was that the below grade parking was concrete while the tower itself would be steel. Not sure if there was any official confirmation to back that up however.
I think the consensus reached before was that the below grade parking was concrete while the tower itself would be steel. Not sure if there was any official confirmation to back that up however.

If it is true steel will be used for this tower, it will be the 2nd tower since the 80's to be built with steel.

BA tower was the first using supper light frame than the original standard tower already under construction until it die.

It would be nice to see a steel tower. Depending on the tonnage of the steel, it may have to be a joint venture since there are no large fabricators left to do it by itself in Canada today. An off shore fabricator could handle it since it will not be the first time it has happen. All underground work is concrete these days.
If it is true steel will be used for this tower, it will be the 2nd tower since the 80's to be built with steel.

BA tower was the first using supper light frame than the original standard tower already under construction until it die.

It would be nice to see a steel tower. Depending on the tonnage of the steel, it may have to be a joint venture since there are no large fabricators left to do it by itself in Canada today. An off shore fabricator could handle it since it will not be the first time it has happen. All underground work is concrete these days.

If it is indeed steel, consider me even more excited for this project since I love the look of steel framed buildings on the rise. Would this be the only steel framed highrise condo in Toronto? I can't think of any that aren't poured concrete.
