Aqua is one of the coolest looking buildings in the world. Hopefully One Bloor turns out similar
Construction has really sped up today with the warm weather! There have been concrete trucks driving by all day.

Haha, I honestly died laughing while reading this! But then I revived myself just so I could write on here ;)

My place has a normal balcony and three juliet balconies, so when the temperature is just right, I will be opening up all of the doors to let fresh air in. As a human being I like to breathe, regardless of some architecture critic wanting me to keep my condo unit's doors closed lol. I see where you were going with your statement, I just had to comment from a person who lives in a condo. We have feelings, too :)

I pointed that out in hopes that architects address the issue. One approach might involve putting architectural features on the facade that become focal points so that no one notices open doors. Even something simple like stripes could work.
Agreed. Aqua is one of my fave in the world too (and a great place to stay as well!). I'd be happy if 1 Bloor E was 1/2 as good.

One Bloor will be 10000 times better than Aqua. Aqua looks like it is covered in mud.
I actually like Aqua. At least they did something to make the balconies look interesting, it just wasn't executed perfectly. Here, I think One Bloor will do better curve wise, I just hope we don't end up with Aura-like cladding.(in other words cheap window wall)
P.s. Ushahid- I'm not quite sure which part of the building looks like it is "covered in mud". Are you referring to the balconies that cast shadows on the building or something else?
Thanks, gents. Yeah, it's already looming quite massive on that corner. Going to be great to see it climb once the podium is roughed in.
