Apple is very secretive and it is possible that this news wouldn't be out yet this far ahead of when it would be ready to open.

To be clear, Apple has not said a word about this possibility, and never does until it requests building permits. I believe that there was a speculative render of the Bazis version of "1 Bloor" that showed an Apple Store in the podium, but that's as far as it goes. That said, this location would be an obvious spot for a flagship store (although the fact that it wouldn't be standalone may mitigate against that).

EDITED TO ADD these two past postings/renders on the matter:

Render of prior design with Apple iPod billboard

Post from interchange42 with a similar billboard on render of new design, with background that Bazis claimed Apple was coming (never confirmed by Apple)
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Apple is very secretive and it is possible that this news wouldn't be out yet this far ahead of when it would be ready to open.

opening an Apple store in one Bloor is not a secret case of FBI or CIA that they will keep it a secret, i think it is a rumour because if it was happening they would have announced it a long time ago.
opening an Apple store in one Bloor is not a secret case of FBI or CIA that they will keep it a secret, i think it is a rumour because if it was happening they would have announced it a long time ago.

Not at all -- Apple definitely would not announce a store in a building several years from completion. Apple never pre-announces its stores (or its products) until it absolutely has to, which usually involves when it needs official approvals.
Agreed - Apple never announce their retail plans until they have to. Sometimes you'll see a blank hoarding go up in malls months before opening and Apple won't admit that it's them until it suits them to do so.

a reminder that 88 Scott renders also had an apple store, something which is rather doubtful. Just because it's in the renders doesn't mean it's happening.
No work today with all the snow. Interesting to observe from above however that the roof of the podium is being built as kind of a double roof or false roof. There's the first concrete roof, then they built the concrete forms and now about 4 or 5 feet up they're doing another pour so that the forms are flush with the floor of the actual roof. Between the two roofs will be about a 4 foot crawl space it seems. I guess there was no other way of doing it. Just looks funny to see being built, like they're building a 'half-story' like in Being John Malkovich.
Apple's secretive, but obvious, store being built in Houston a few years ago.


  • houston-120301.jpg
    35.6 KB · Views: 639
No work today with all the snow. Interesting to observe from above however that the roof of the podium is being built as kind of a double roof or false roof. There's the first concrete roof, then they built the concrete forms and now about 4 or 5 feet up they're doing another pour so that the forms are flush with the floor of the actual roof. Between the two roofs will be about a 4 foot crawl space it seems. I guess there was no other way of doing it. Just looks funny to see being built, like they're building a 'half-story' like in Being John Malkovich.

Is the outdoor pool only 4 or 5 feet deep? I can see that being the case just for planters, but not a pool too.
Yup. Pool and planters the exact same depth. I think it's more just a soaking pool for beautiful people to sit around. You can't do laps or dive in it or anything.
a reminder that 88 Scott renders also had an apple store, something which is rather doubtful. Just because it's in the renders doesn't mean it's happening.

The difference between the Bazis rendering for 1 Bloor East which had an Apple Store in it and the 88 Scott one (and in fact another one for 100 Bloor West where Roots is moving out), is that no developer ever stood up at a community meeting for the second two to claim that Apple was moving in.

Who knows if Apple has leased space here or not, and we won't know for a while yet. They don't have too many more options for a reasonably quick opening in the area though.

Is the outdoor pool only 4 or 5 feet deep? I can see that being the case just for planters, but not a pool too.

The pools here are just for lolly-gagging about in, not for deep sea diving. I'm not surprised they'll only be 4 or so feet deep.

