The balcony effect is starting to look good from here:

This will be a true masterpiece for this district.
One of best looking building in Canada so far.
If only there was more design like that here.
Is it too soon to say...
Aqua has nothing on this. Ours is turning out way nicer.
Feel free to state that, but don't expect to get agreement from everyone!

^ I agree. Aqua is too big and slabby and looks awful from a distance. (And yes I have seen it in person from various points around the loop). It is really cool from the immediate area though. Also I hate it's stupid flimsy looking balcony rails. Looks cheap and dangerous.

Atleast from a distance 1be is elegant and slender.
This will be a true masterpiece for this district.
One of best looking building in Canada so far.
If only there was more design like that here.

I agree. hopefully we will see more copycats of HP's design and less of the basic glass box stuff we've been seeing the last decade or so. This building has real character and won't be mistaken with any other building. Can't wait to get in and take a look.
If 1BE is as good as promised both inside and out, I hope all the other developers will see it and reconsider their strategy.

It would be nice if the ensuing competition drive prices down, but somehow I doubt it.

We need ALL architecture to be ubiquitously excellent that constructing any new complexes will not promote higher prices.
Dazzle me faster!

