The whole tower isn't curtainwall, only the "flat" strip running up each elevation, and the lantern. The rest of it is going to be window wall

Not sure if you're replying to my earlier comment, but if you are, I just want you to know that I know that - it's quite apparent that the whole tower isn't curtain wall from looking at any of the renders for even a few milliseconds. But thanks for clarifying anyway (if you're in fact responding to me).

When the swooshing edge of the balcony reveals smooth curtain wall, there's an obvious contrast that's quite striking. The balcony swooshes that happen within the window wall portion exclusively seem far less apparent in the pics of the model, and I'm hoping they're a little more architecturally compelling on a larger scale when it's actually built.
I agree with khristopher - from a design perspective, it would look better if it it were taller. I actually don't mind the tower now, and appreciate the pseudo-MLS look to it. There's worse things than looking like MLS.

My problem is with the podium - it looks like a mess, and I don't see it impacting the street particularly well at all.

Just a thought experiment, but maybe they should flip the entire building's orientation so that the tower is on the southeast corner and they have a park-like space on the corner of Yonge & Bloor. You'd have to get rid of the driveway, too. That might make a better connection to the public realm.
Thanks very much for the info and the pix 42. I have 2 questions. Are the wavy balconies purely aestethic or, like Aqua, are they designed to cut down on the winds. I'm kind of mystified by the 25,000 sq. ft of retail space on the lower level with no connection to HBC. It seems like it would be a tough sell down there. I'd hate to see another Cumberland Terrace.

Winds were not mentioned - - - which does not mean they have not been taken into consideration, I just don't know.

If Apple were to take the main floor corner retail location, it's possible that they could send one of their glass staircases down a floor to take advantage of much of that 25,000 sq ft on the lower floor... maybe another retailer could do the same. (SoHo Prada store anybody?)

One quibble - I do wish they carry the non-linear motif all the way to the ground level - something that flows like the podium balconies would be nice, though it could be challenging for retailers. Think IAC in NYC...


I agree. I keep looking at the details of the base and I can't help but wish the podium and tower were a little more connected aesthetically. The "box like" second level of the retail, particularly the northwest corner of the second story bothers me. It looks like it is on the wrong building.

That being said, I really like the design and secretly wish that the tower does not gain any more floors as such would make the roof design, which I think is the building's strongest design element, just that much harder to see at ground level.
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Beautiful looking tower. I would actually say stunning looking. If the materials are right, then.....
I'm kind of mystified by the 25,000 sq. ft of retail space on the lower level with no connection to HBC. It seems like it would be a tough sell down there. I'd hate to see another Cumberland Terrace.

That is a bit odd. Where did you see that? I'd be astonished if they didn't try to connect to the mini-PATH up there. In that case, it would make sense. Otherwise I can only imagine it might be lower levels for the ground floor stores.

If you want to revive this box vs. pseudobox vs. UT clique debate which you've help to start - please, there is the Aqua thread - that goes for everyone who want to keep on engaging themselves in this topic instead of talking about One Bloor.


AOD, It was not my intent to stir any controversy or go off topic. I don't think I helped start this box debate, as I only started posting on Jan. 7/10. This issue was being hashed about before that.

6 out of my 10 postings on this thread were posted today, if you review them you can see that I start out discussing the attributes of the render and only responded to the box issue because others were already describing 1BE as a box with a little extra frills (see below).

"1BE is nicely balanced with four seasons. It has texture,height and the podium is something different for the city. The podium's layered back and cover's a lot of ground. It's going to have a huge presence.

Let's remember, most people aren't architects, we just admire a building for what it makes us feel.

By the way, Toronto has some awful boxes. Like FCP and the TD buildings, to name a few. But they still add substance to the CBD. Which I like."
First: you're welcome!, to all who said 'thanks' or similar for my report.

More answers, thoughts:

I'm kind of mystified by the 25,000 sq. ft of retail space on the lower level with no connection to HBC. It seems like it would be a tough sell down there. I'd hate to see another Cumberland Terrace.

That is a bit odd. Where did you see that? I'd be astonished if they didn't try to connect to the mini-PATH up there. In that case, it would make sense. Otherwise I can only imagine it might be lower levels for the ground floor stores.

In my report, Unimaginative, near the end I have a breakdown of where the retail will be: 35,000 sq ft on the ground level, 45,000 sq ft on the level above, and 25,000 sq ft on the concourse level. The concourse, or basement, will not connect to any other building. The only connection to another property will be via a retail-lined walkway from Yonge at ground level which will connect through to the subway entrance of 33 Bloor East, aka the Xerox building.

Very informative, thanks. On Global news at 6:00pm they did a piece on the project and announced that pricing ranges from $380,000's to $1,500,000's. They made no mention of suite sizes.

Silver Suites (floors 8 to 38) will range from 535 sq ft to 817 sq ft
Gold Suites (floors 39 to 59) will range from 535 sq ft to 1052 sq ft
Platinum Suites (floors 60 to 65) will range from 1065 sq ft to 1727 sq ft

The larger suites in Silver and Gold sections are the four corner suites, which are all two bedroom units. The Platinum suites are all very sweet.

I can definitively say that I like it now. One of my hopes for the project is that all of the balcony swooshes - not just the ones that reveal smooth curtain wall - play out obviously enough when the building is finished. I have my doubts about that one, but I'll be waiting with bated breath for a few years, I suppose.

I think all balconies will 'play out obviously enough' as you put it: as the balconies turn, the frit will go from semi-transparent to opaque. The line will be noticeable.

That is a fantastic update 42 but it makes me realize what I always suspected:

These development companies have architects design tons of buildings that don't even have a plot of land to sit on. How else could they have such a comprehensive deign ready, when they only bought this property from receivership in August of '09? Not to mention the ability to add floors if the demand is high enough. You can't simply slide some floors in on a design like this, the way you could with X for example. It would throw off the whole sweeping curves. I bet they have several versions of this building all on the backburner waiting for use.

I do not think that what you are looking at now was pulled out of HP's spec design book. They have had over half a year to produce a design for Great Gulf, and could have been consulted for ideas before that when Great Gulf were considering purchasing the site.

Interchange: Thank you for this very comprehensive set of pictures and description. You haven't left much room for questions; you appear to have got all of the info and brought it to us.

Certainly an interesting comment about the possibility of increasing the height to 80 or whatever, although I'm not sure I would hold my breath waiting for that. Increasing heights isn't as easy as one might think, what with both architectural / engineering considerations and, probably, the need to rework financial arrangements. But it's an intriguing possibility.


I really like the design and secretly wish that the tower does not gain any more floors as such would make the roof design, which I think is the building's strongest design element, just that much harder to see at ground level.

If the building were to get taller, would the current curves be extended from their current end? Or would the current curves be stretched to cover the new height? An extension of the curves might not resolve as elegantly as they do now, while a stretching of the curves would change the length of the balconies of most units to a certain degree: while a balcony length change be enough to allow purchasers out of their sales agreements? If so, you would not want to do that...

In regards to the roof element... I don't think you'll see much of that from Yonge & Bloor no matter how many floors are added or not. I think you'll need to be a couple of blocks away to best appreciate it!

The whole tower isn't curtainwall, only the "flat" strip running up each elevation, and the lantern.

Yes, I should have been more precise.

The renders show a blueish hue to the glass, but I'd love it if the building actually turned out as icy white as the model. Something like Telus, but a little less reflective.

I did not ask about how clear, or tinted, the glass will be. I think the fritted balcony glass will dominate the design, and it is likely to look more like the Festival Tower than any other building in the city.

Interchange, what was HP's "inspiration" for the design?

David Pontarini volunteered to me that Aqua was a major inspiration: nobody could deny that, right? I don't see the buildings as particularly close relations, however: Aqua was a starting point only as I see it.

Thanks 42 for the pics I'm starting to love this building now. IMO, best design yet for the Yonge and Bloor intersection. is it just me or does the building look like a "1" from one of the angles? looks good anyhow so score one for GG and HP!

From the east it will certainly appear as a 1!

One quibble - I do wish they carry the non-linear motif all the way to the ground level - something that flows like the podium balconies would be nice, though it could be challenging for retailers. Think IAC in NYC...

...which reminds me: One Bloor has not gone to the Design Review Panel yet. (As both David Pontarini and Janet Rosenberg sit on the DRP normally, they will have to recuse themselves when it does.) I wonder if the DRP will ask for any changes such as what you are suggesting AoD. It will be interesting to see what if anything might change...

I'm now going on record to say that I love the design. I think it's beautiful. The sensuous curves, a much-needed antidote to all-too-square Toronto, are not gimmicky but, rather, well-integrated and regulating of the design. Aqua may have inspired One Bloor but the latter cuts a very distinct profile and promises to make its own unique statement on our skyline. I think this tower will look especially beautiful in winter. To my eyes it's more ice than Ãce. Thanks for the comprehensive and informative pics and info, interchange.
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I'm really surprised that there isn't a passageway to the concourse, retail would surely fetch leases with higher price PSF if all were connected. Perhaps the City will ask for it?
It looks kinda funky. And I LOVE the podium, though I think I'd like more oval shape of it, but square does the trick.
re: curves and window walls

Another potential area of design improvement is reducing the "crest" of the wave and make it narrower - it can have the effect of accentuating height if done right.

Okay, now that I've seen the roof better, I like it. I would like this building to be taller, and I hope they try to go for an increase if sales are really good.

I've been withholding any sort of comment until after seeing all angles and views. In general I think that Kristopher's comments are most spot-on regarding improvements to the new One Bloor. For me, it’s “hold the champagneâ€, or more aptly, keep the champagne for some other project, period. The Yonge/Bloor site could be exploited far better.

The proportioning poses the biggest problem for me – again the broad and wide instead of the slender. I am maintaining that this building needs liposuction and more height, keeping the same number of suites planned.

What I would have hoped for: an exterior inspired by two other current proposals -- the new Ontario Government building planned for Bay/Grosvenor, and the new condo tower planned on the east central waterfront (Safdi). These two buildings have a Toronto look to them. Pontarini could borrow influences from both of those exteriors and add some real texture to Yonge/Bloor.

Pontarini's design? It’s dumbed-down Vegas, and really nothing more.
I'm also in the 'hold the champagne' camp.

I like many elements in the design however I see the building in blue, then green, then gold in the renderings and then a white model. I'll wait.
I had a nightmare about this building this morning. I was lecturing to the architects about this building--ie, yelling at them.;) I decided I still don't like it. If aA had come up with something sort of similar, I could trust them. HP, on the other hand, can not be trusted, as their previous buildings just don't add up to their hype. I have a feeling this building was conceived, not in Toronto, but on a Florida beach in mid-winter.
