Excuse my ignorance, but wouldn't Curtain Wall be pointless, if not impossible, in the areas where there are balconies? I figured the "open-wave" section of glass would be all Curtain wall but the balconies (with sliding doors and windows) would be window wall.
I believe you are correct Traynor - that jives with my memory of what David Pontarini told me months ago.

I believe Great Gulf is in discussions with a manufacturer overseas that will provide curtain wall for the entire building, rather than just a portion ... because window wall systems don't work for towers above 45-50 storeys,
thats my understanding

Do you know why that is?
Do you know why that is?

that I don't know ... Johnzz's thoughts seem pretty reasonable ... my other "guess" would be the shearing capability (tall towers are more likely to sway slightly ?)
If it's because of wind, I would think it depends on the results of a wind study, how tall it can go. Unless there is just simply a maximum, no matter what the wind.
I believe Great Gulf is in discussions with a manufacturer overseas that will provide curtain wall for the entire building, rather than just a portion ... because window wall systems don't work for towers above 45-50 storeys, and Great Gulf didn't want to do the lower 2/3 of One Bloor with one type of glass and the 1/3 with another ~

thats my understanding

The 82 story Aqua tower uses a window wall system. From an aesthetic stand-point it actually works in the buildings favor since the exposed floor slabs are an important design element which add interest to the facade.
You can tell there is a lot going on here when this project - a 70 story tower at a major intersection - slides to page 4 !!!! Unbelievable.

Of course when you read this it will now be back on page one so .......never mind.
Tucker HiRise has plastered their signs all over the site.

Just as an execise to see where one Bloor would fit in relation to NYC, I overlayed manhattan on top of Toronto and found that Yonge and Eglinton would be roughly where Central Park starts in Manhattan. One Bloor would be around Soho or just south of East Village. Imagine a dense downtown all the way from Eglinton south to the lake.

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This is why I go to Manhattan as often as possible, haha.
Just as an execise to see where one Bloor would fit in relation to NYC, I overlayed manhattan on top of Toronto and found that Yonge and Eglinton would be roughly where Central Park starts in Manhattan. One Bloor would be around Soho or just south of East Village. Imagine a dense downtown all the way from Eglinton south to the lake.

That's actually a very interesting exercise, I would have thought Central Park would have begun more around the St. Clair area. To my mind, walking from midtown down to Battery Park seems a quicker walk than from Eglinton to the Lake.
Anyway, that's exciting to see the Tucker Highrise signs up on site, hopefully things will start happening at One Bloor soon.
