I wonder if the art piece will still be the used car sales lot inflatable thing (not sure how else to describe it)
Are you aware of any examples of public art pieces that were cancelled and replaced after being announced?

I wonder for how many more years that will be stalled. I'm assuming that nothing has happened there because Brookfield are planning to do more than simply fix the roof of the old cinema space below where that art was to be installed. Here's hoping that we see a plan sooner than than later for improving the Hudson's Bay Centre, with or without Hudson's Bay (and not just because I am curious as to what the art piece is that's waiting to be installed there).

I wonder for how many more years that will be stalled. I'm assuming that nothing has happened there because Brookfield are planning to do more than simply fix the roof of the old cinema space below where that art was to be installed. Here's hoping that we see a plan sooner than than later for improving the Hudson's Bay Centre, with or without Hudson's Bay (and not just because I am curious as to what the art piece is that's waiting to be installed there).

Maybe it's the public art equivalent to John Cage's 4'33"

4 yrs 33 wks?

And counting?

At this point, and as someone who lives in the area, I can't wait for the hoarding to come down. We've had hoarding/fencing there for what; almost 9 years now?

Unfortunately, thanks to One Bloor West and other developments, hoarding in this area will not be disappearing anytime soon.
does anyone have an image of the art? I remember seeing it in this thread and thinking it looked crazy cool, just forgot exactly what it was and am too lazy to go back looking through the thread for it.
This morning.


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Unfortunately, thanks to One Bloor West and other developments, hoarding in this area will not be disappearing anytime soon.
No, but this particular corner has been an issue for so long. I was just remarking that it'll be nice when it's gone. We already have hoarding at 1BW, even with zero construction. There was even a point where all four corners had hoarding/fencing going on. One of the busiest corners in the country has been hidden away, shielded or otherwise blocked for too long.

Not sure if this has been asked yet but I wonder why the cladding is different on the uppermost patio. Every other curved railing has white glass with near invisible framing but this one and only this one has white glass with distinct black framing.

I remember that it was one of the first to be installed. I wonder if they changed their minds and will revert that to the newer style.
Not sure if this has been asked yet but I wonder why the cladding is different on the uppermost patio. Every other curved railing has white glass with near invisible framing but this one and only this one has white glass with distinct black framing.

I remember that it was one of the first to be installed. I wonder if they changed their minds and will revert that to the newer style.

My guess is it's because of the landscaping on that level, the soil and outdoor swimming pool(s), require a greater depth, thus, the paneling is covering a thicker concrete slab. I actually don't mind that as much as I do the balcony transitions on the northern side of the podium, which could have been designed more coherently with the rest of the design. On that same note, the retail podium visually looks somewhat isolated from the design language of the building, which I feel is just floating above it. In a project this great, you really have to be looking for these details to notice them, but once you do, they can't be unseen. That being said, where some of these details are overlooked, there is great attention to detail placed in other aspects of the project, like with the balcony treatment, which is impeccable.

EDIT: the proposed public artwork is weird AF
