
We were talking over brunch today that a high end car dealer would be ideal for some of the ground floor space here. When you think of it, all of those multi-millionaires moving into the neighbourhood will need a ride. :-> Roller? Bentley? Aston Martin? Lambo? Would certainly add a bit of gravitas to the east side of Yonge.
Yessir, nothing says "vibrant street life" like a car dealership. (Especially a high-end one, which are frequently only open by appointment to avoid their having to deal with a constant stream of looky-loos.)
And that Rolls dealership that used to be on Avenue did so well that it...went out of business. Nothing says gravitas like failure.
I would doubt a vehicle dealership would be going in here. They need far more behind the scenes infrastructure than we've seen constructed to date.

That said, as Jason intimates, they aren't necessarily a bad use if handled correctly. Plenty exist in cities far more pedestrian than Toronto.
Yessir, nothing says "vibrant street life" like a car dealership.

What commercial use does then? So far from what I've gathered on these forums, Banks, Car Dealers, and Shoppers are the devil. Restaurants and Starbucks can't be all we're aiming for.
There is a wide spectrum of uses between banks/car dealers/Shoppers and restaurants/Starbucks.

I'm not saying anything that everybody doesn't already know, but there are two problems with any discussion of the retail in 1BE. First, until Great Gulf or a tenant makes an announcement, it's all just speculation. Second, it's a blank slate at the moment, so people seem to be projecting the uses and tenants they would most like to see in the space. It's all blue-skying, so we should all just treat it as what it is - fun.
