Not to pour cold water on all these ideas but we are talking about the Dominion Federal Building whose front, at least, is surely worth saving. I'm not sure that any of these 'iconic' towers would look too good on top of it... Anyone want to try a render of what COULD be put on top of and behind the present Building? (And maintain/create a bigger bus station too.)
This wouldn't be on top of the Dominion Public Building, though. It would be built on the parking lot and GO bus terminal behind it.
Other than heritage, I'm sure there must be some other high-security/highly-sensitive reasoning behind keeping clear of any monkeying with the Dominion Public Building. (Though I believe they already filled in some lightwells or gaps for extra office space back in the 80s/90s.)
By thinking a little bigger, we should be able to leverage some serious $$$ to maintain/restore the Dominion building.

Don't the feds own it? They have enough coin to take care of it I'd think.
Yeah, it's a government building. You can tell because the decor inside is painfully plain.
I think they're both going to get rejected. Let's get real here, it's Toronto. They're going to make it a box.
I think they're both going to get rejected. Let's get real here, it's Toronto. They're going to make it a box.

There are only so many box type buidings that this city can build before people start realizing its all boring cheap architecture.Lets hope in a couple of years from now when the next boom hits that we can have a fresh minded city council that can accept and approve more modern designs.
Oh for goodness sake, you two, the L, or lower case l Tower is right across the street from this. There are also tons of non-box towers up for approval in the entertainment district and elsewhere right now. It's the developers that propose the shapes, and tell the architects what they are looking for, and a lot of that is getting quite interesting. Meanwhile, we've got some pretty great boxes too. Have a problem with Murano?

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Yeah, seriously. Stop complaining about boxes all the time. You guys make it sound like Toronto is overrun by them.
Oh for goodness sake, you two, the L, or lower case l Tower is right across the street from this. There are also tons of non-box towers up for approval in the entertainment district and elsewhere right now. It's the developers that propose the shapes, and tell the architects what they are looking for, and a lot of that is getting quite interesting. Meanwhile, we've got some pretty great boxes too. Have a problem with Murano?

Murano is nice,love the glass.There has been a bunch of square boxes that have gone up in the past year that i actually like example London, Verve, RBC and a bunch of others,and your right i will stop the bashing but all i want to see is a bit of a mix.As you mention the non boxes are up for approval and Toronto has not seen any real construction on any intresting non-box towers in the last years
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