Um, I've clearly stated my bias right from the beginning my friend.

I also like to think my comments on Toronto projects are almost always constructive and many times have a positive and optimistic spin to them.

The Toronto Star also seems to like my point of views too, as they have printed 3 of my letters to the editor in the past 9 months; on Toronto's failed Expo 2015 bid, on the success of Luminato and the proposed 2020 Olympic Bid.

I've recently been absent in posting any responses to negative comments towards Mississauga in the last few months. However, the load of bs being spewed out by people like yourself could not go unchallenged forever.

If you have got a problem with my point of view, its tough cookies for you!

The plans for the MCC look great, but that's what they are right now...plans that haven't been implemented.

And this is why criticizing the built product is a little difficult - it's not all there. MCC certainly is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is considerably better than many other suburban "city-centres."
Um, I've clearly stated my bias right from the beginning my friend.

I also like to think my comments on Toronto projects are almost always constructive and many times have a positive and optimistic spin to them.

The Toronto Star also seems to like my point of views too, as they have printed 3 of my letters to the editor in the past 9 months; on Toronto's failed Expo 2015 bid, on the success of Luminato and the proposed 2020 Olympic Bid.

I've recently been absent in posting any responses to negative comments towards Mississauga in the last few months. However, the load of bs being spewed out by people like yourself could not go unchallenged forever.

If you have got a problem with my point of view, its tough cookies for you!


BS? Please. I made it quite clear I like the plans Mississauga has for the City Centre, but right now it's still lacking. If you like walking around the MCC that's great...enjoy yourself. Me? I prefer pedestrian environments with actual...pedestrians.

I'm in Mississauga on a relatively frequent basis so you can save the propaganda for the uninitiated.
And this is why criticizing the built product is a little difficult - it's not all there. MCC certainly is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is considerably better than many other suburban "city-centres."

Criticizing a plan based on the incomplete built product isn't fair - criticizing the area for what it is (and what it's been for quite a while) is something else entirely.
The urban red-neck: unable to accept anything that's different, and like it's rural counterpart thinks its the top of the foodchain, which ignores the ways of "acceptance for others" and "equality" it constantly preaches.

No wonder there aren't any hicks in rural Canada, they all moved to Toronto :rolleyes:
The urban red-neck: unable to accept anything that's different, and like it's rural counterpart thinks its the top of the foodchain, which ignores the ways of "acceptance for others" and "equality" it constantly preaches.

No wonder there aren't any hicks in rural Canada, they all moved to Toronto :rolleyes:

Ridiculous definition considering the supposed "urban red-neck"'s on the forum are just as critical of urban areas (if not moreso).
Complaining that there are no pedestrians around One Park Tower even though it is not finished and surrounded by undeveloped land: critical or negative?

Going into a thread on one particular MCC pproject to say that the whoel are will never amount to anything: critical or negative?
Complaining that there are no pedestrians around One Park Tower even though it is not finished and surrounded by undeveloped land: critical or negative?

Or anywhere else in the MCC? I wasn't just referring to One Park Tower. I'm talking about the entire area - it has a very long way to go and I'm questioning why we should be praising it when it has earned little to praise, IMO.

I'm not saying it won't improve...I'm saying I'll reserve judgment until it actually has improved.

Going into a thread on one particular MCC pproject to say that the whoel are will never amount to anything: critical or negative?

Others may have said that, but I didn't.
What does pedestrians (or lack thereof) have to do with One Park Tower?

I suggest a more general MCC thread if you want to debate this point over and over again. While I'm no gushy-admirer of MCC, I even get tired of this debate.

Really, I could ask the same question about CityPlace when there isn't a game on at SkyDome.
I liken the progress of MCC to the evolution of our much lamented central waterfront. Both have had approx 30 years to bring to fruiition their initial ambitions and both have, to this point, largely failed. However, the waterfront is beginning to show promise with the recent unveilings of HTO and the Irish settlers monument. It has a long, long way to go but it is possible to now get a sense of what it will someday be.

The same cannot be said of the MCC. After a recent foray into that zone--the first in 10 years--I didn't see any evidence that points to a satisfying completed urban form. The buildings have gotten bigger and taller, the roads more congested, and though some of the newer towers have flair and nicely lit tops, my overall sense of the place is that it's pretty much like it was a decade ago, except more so. There has been no paradigm shift or even a single catalyzing development that can lead future projects into the promised land of respectable, pedestrianized urban form. Absolute Towers will look nice on a postcard or from a nearby balcony but the street presence is non-existant, indeed, almost regressive. And although the planners and developers, and even the mayor, are making all the right noises about an improved urban environment, the physical evidence suggests that the status quo is firmly in place. Until there is built evidence that Mississauga "gets it"--i.e understands the difference between urban and suburban--any grand illusions it has about being a fully evolved city are, well, illusory. (In my--not terribly well informed--opinion.)
What does pedestrians (or lack thereof) have to do with One Park Tower?

I suggest a more general MCC thread if you want to debate this point over and over again. While I'm no gushy-admirer of MCC, I even get tired of this debate.

Really, I could ask the same question about CityPlace when there isn't a game on at SkyDome.

Great point about Cityplace...and if Cityplace, which is in the middle of a major city, has no pedestrian life, than MCC doesn't have a hope in hell.
