Ah, you always know that it is a mississauga thread, when someone posts, "where are the pedestrians?"....

LOL. For MCC, the height is great. Its very interesting these days riding towards Sq1 along burnanthorpe. Its very surreal especially if you've lived in Mississaga for a long time. I always remember Sussex place was the building that always caught my eye (maybe because of the Lime Rikeys being the general vicinity), now, the capital towers really stick out coming along that road.
I grew up in Mississauga Valley and for me the Sussex Centre/Novotel always stuck out because it was the only place around where the buildings met the street, which was quite radical for Mississauga at the time. I moved to Toronto in 1992 and very rarely go back to MCC, but in general do the new buildings meet the street properly or it is, once again, a series of buildings in parks a la the rendering at the top of this thread?
Aside from the Robert Speck buildings, everything new meets the street pretty well. Pretty much every building includes ground floor retail, or townhouses at the bare minimum. It's a huge step forward from the towers in a park that plauged a lot of the rentals on Hurontario. The new Confederation extension is starting to get a pretty good street wall going on, and there's a fairly decent (but broken) street wall starting to develop on the south side of Burnhamthorpe.
It is not difficult take pics of MCC with lots of pedestrians. The photos here are of an unfinished tower on an unfinished street surrounded by undeveloped land; who gives a fuck if there are no pedestrians.
Pic #1: a consturction site on a side street
Pic #2: same as above. If you look in the distance towards Sq 1 you can see some pedestrians but you need to zoom up like mad in photoshop
Pic #3: Same building as #1, and again an active construction site

Pic #4: A construction site on the fringe of the currently built up MCC Section
Pic #5 & 6: Not actually taken inside MCC. It's about 1-2km west of it.

Pic #7&8: A construction site in a field which is the topic of this thread.

Pic #9&10: No where close to MCC.

Pic #11: A site that hasn't started construction yet. If I remember correctly, about where this picture was taken there is a busy bus stop that has people waiting almost all of the time. The Sales Centre was knocked down a long time ago and this picture is very out of date.

Pretty much all of the pictures posted here on UT of MCC are CONSTRUCTION UPDATES which typically don't go searching for pedestrians. I was over @ MCC yesterday and there were plenty of pedestrians all around. The South Asian Heritage Festival was on @ City Hall and there were people all over the place (made for a fun bus ride waiting for all of them to cross). No one from Mississauga on UT really goes out searching for people to take pictures of. We know what's here and for the most part, get ticked off when little minded people choose to say how there is no one in MCC without having ever been here in years/months and only making an occassional trip here.
Pic #1: a consturction site on a side street
Pic #2: same as above. If you look in the distance towards Sq 1 you can see some pedestrians but you need to zoom up like mad in photoshop
Pic #3: Same building as #1, and again an active construction site

Pic #4: A construction site on the fringe of the currently built up MCC Section
Pic #5 & 6: Not actually taken inside MCC. It's about 1-2km west of it.

Pic #7&8: A construction site in a field which is the topic of this thread.

Pic #9&10: No where close to MCC.

Pic #11: A site that hasn't started construction yet. If I remember correctly, about where this picture was taken there is a busy bus stop that has people waiting almost all of the time. The Sales Centre was knocked down a long time ago and this picture is very out of date.

Pretty much all of the pictures posted here on UT of MCC are CONSTRUCTION UPDATES which typically don't go searching for pedestrians. I was over @ MCC yesterday and there were plenty of pedestrians all around. The South Asian Heritage Festival was on @ City Hall and there were people all over the place (made for a fun bus ride waiting for all of them to cross). No one from Mississauga on UT really goes out searching for people to take pictures of. We know what's here and for the most part, get ticked off when little minded people choose to say how there is no one in MCC without having ever been here in years/months and only making an occassional trip here.

I was there a few months back, en route to Heartland, and saw hardly anybody on the streets. I'm hardly small minded, just observant. Why don't you go ahead and post some current pics to prove me wrong.
MCC is almost the same size as downtown Toronto and every road seems to have a ROW of like 100m...even if there were 5000 pedestrians walking around, you'd barely notice them. I could go take photos of Queen West with no pedestrians in the shots but that wouldn't prove there are "none."
I'm sure that there are some on the streets. My original point is that even with thousands and thousands of units built there still seems to be no emerging sense of urbanity. Maybe once there are more towers and residents it will change.
Then you've answered your own questions re: pedestrians. Other than building update photographers, not many people want to stroll around construction sites. At this point, it's just a mall and a million condos and not much else...only futuremayor knows what it'll be like in 20 years.
Any new buildings are now meeting the street around MCC and along Hurontario to the south of MCC. "Tower in the park" is an outdated concept here as elsewhere, although several of them obviously remain, including very close to MCC in the SE quadrant of Hurontario and Burnhamthorpe.

There are many more pedestrians around now than there were even a few years ago. The idea that this area is so bleak that pedestrians would never venture there is another one from a past era.
I'm sure that there are some on the streets. My original point is that even with thousands and thousands of units built there still seems to be no emerging sense of urbanity. Maybe once there are more towers and residents it will change.

It would be a crappy walk to the mall from One Park. Myself, if I lived their, could see me driving from the condo, all the way to the Sq1 WALMART. I wonder if they have shuttle busses that go all around.
...but in general do the new buildings meet the street properly or it is, once again, a series of buildings in parks a la the rendering at the top of this thread?

Actually many of the buildings are in a park setting. Look at the very un-urban bike path along Burnhamthorpe in front of CityPlace. As well MCC plans call for series of interconnected parks. Too many, in my opinion, and the result will only reinforce the tower in a park image.
