the first two cranes are being topped off from the site... only one crane now, building thunderbird tower.
the first two cranes are being topped off from the site... only one crane now, building thunderbird tower.

They were taking Tower #1 down Wednesday as I went by and took some photos on the fly. They are in my backlog to be fix before posting.
They were taking Tower #1 down Wednesday as I went by and took some photos on the fly. They are in my backlog to be fix before posting.

Can't wait to see the new pics. From your expert opinion, is it likely that this building will be ready before the end of the year?
Can't wait to see the new pics. From your expert opinion, is it likely that this building will be ready before the end of the year?

I know for sure, the townhouse will ready early fall.

What I saw on Thursday in Burlington, The tower and grounds are far from complete, but over haft of the building has moved in, which is odd, as no one was there last month when I was there.

Based on Burlington view, I would say the lower floor owner will be moving in by late fall at this point.

I know Beyond the Sea have owners in tower 2 now.
June 5
Lot more up on site.

Tower 2 is moving at a snail pace at this time.

Next shooting of this site will be in Sept after I get back from Europe, unless I see it again before the 19th, before I leave.




great photos, drum118! Valhalla is progressing amazingly well, unlike Tridel where something always delays there! I like how Edilcan uses modern bricks and completes them on ground levels up to three storeys to blend a combination with townhouses... this is going to be a great complex! I am impressed to see Phase 2 is progressing well! They say occupancy would be in November 2013, that seems not possible but most likely will meet Spring 2014.

Have a good trip to Europe drum118, and see you in September! You will be seeing 5-6 storeys completed in Phase 2 the time you get back! ;)
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Anyone else think this project is like the mid-priced version of Diamante's Florian?
They share several design details; cladding color, use of dark colored bricks, curves, general massing and height;

i do not see a reseamblance between florian and valhalla, since valhalla tower is all a glass curved tower whereas florian consists of bricks around the tower, but yes, it is same bricks being used in valhalla. what i can say, that valhalla looks more "modern" trend instead of florian... that is my thought?

I visited the site yesterday and it's looking great.

Tower 1 is almost entirely enclosed. All that's left for the glass are the top two floors.

Brick has been laid for the side of the parking structure facing the highway. It is the same brick used for the towns and extends one storey higher than the podium, creating an enclosure for what will eventually be the bbq/lounge area between Towers 1 and 2.

It looks like the below-grade work for Tower 2 is just about complete so we should expect to see the building rising up shortly. I think they will construct the podium connecting Towers 1 and 2 at the same time as they build Tower 2 up.
Info for Phase 1, Including finishes

Hey everyone,

check out this link to another urbantoronto forum. It has a wealth of information about phase 1. Interesting/relevant information includes finishes for Phase 1 (though I expect these to change for phase 2 depending on the inventories for supplies) as well as occupancy dates. We may be able to use occupancy dates and firm dates to gauge how long it will take to move into Phase 2.


Feb 2011 - Breaking Ground Ceremony Started
Mar 2011 - Demolition continues of Valhalla Inns (formerly hotel site)
June 2011 - Demolition completed, parking level construction started for Phase 1
Sep 2011 - Phase 1- Level 2 Completed
Oct 2011 - Phase 1- Level 3 Completed
Dec 2011 - Phase 1 - Level 8 Completed
Feb 2012 - Phase 1 - Level 15 Completed / Windows In up to Level 5
Mar 2012 - Phase 1 - Level 19 Completed / Phase 2 - parking level construction started for Phase 2
Apr 2012 - Phase 1 - Level 22 Completed / Windows In up to Level 17
May 2012 - Mech Roof Completed / Crane Topped Down
June 2012 - All Windows complete in Phase 1 / Phase 2 - Level 2 Completed
July 2012 - Phase 2 - Level 3 Completed

October 2012 - Occupancy Move Ins begins for Phase 1.

Phase 1 construction (22 storeys) from June 2011 to October 2012 for 22nd and Mech Roof tower completes in 16 months.

Phase 2 (35 storeys), starts Mar 2012 with an estimated completion in January 2014 by assuming 3 to 4 levels completed each month from the estimation given from Phase 1.
