I'm looking forward to this. The buildings used to scare the bejesus out of me when I was a kid, and hopefully now these buildings give new life. I'm crossing my fingers.
Feb 7







View from Riverdale Park

I love that building! The quality of government housing in this city has skyrocketed. This looks sharper than most condos in Toronto.
thanks for all of the interesting angles of this project! good to see they are still full speed ahead with construction...
I love that building! The quality of government housing in this city has skyrocketed. This looks sharper than most condos in Toronto.

This is not government housing, it was built by the private sector under the agreement that they would reserve some space for low-income residents.
But yes, it's nice.
This is a major step towards finally improving the east side of downtown. Have to give the city lots of credit for this.
I love that building! The quality of government housing in this city has skyrocketed. This looks sharper than most condos in Toronto.

This is a huge change of thinking and a pivotal moment in many ways. This will have far reaching repercussions for Toronto beyond simply an investment in public housing. When you build something of quality and beauty for a disadvantaged group in society, you send a powerful message.

You're telling them that they are valued in our society and we're not prepared to leave people behind or forget about them. When you give people pride of home and dignity, you go a long way into building a solid foundation for which these people to prosper. We all win in the end.

If we can set this as the benchmark for all government housing in Toronto, we should see positive things happen in many other areas. Lower crime, a more motivated population, a more productive population, and a society that is more connected to the needs of all of its citizens.

Well done Toronto. This is something you've gotten very very right.
what's the timeline looking like for the Parliment and Dundas corner? I don't imagine the completion date of Spring 2009 still sticks?
When you give people pride of home and dignity, you go a long way into building a solid foundation for which these people to prosper.

Imagine how proud and dignified they'd be if thay actually had to work for such a nice home....you know...like the rest of us do?
Imagine how proud and dignified they'd be if thay actually had to work for such a nice home....you know...like the rest of us do?

Yeah, they'd probably feel prouder. Was that your point? Nobody will disagree with it.

Anyways, I still don't know how this new neighborhood is going to work (ie. who would buy a condo in Regent Park), but that building is nicer looking than 90% of the other new projects out there.
