Even if Musk doesn't meet the ridiculous goals he sets for his companies - anything he touches completely revolutionizes the industry. And he has a knack for picking industries that need it. space was dying 10 years ago - manned missions were fading with no real significant advances in decades. Now look at it. Automobiles have been treading water on innovation for decades, and the industry essentially collapsed in on itself in 2008. Now Musk is pushing forward the largest change in the industry in a century.

Tunnelling and subway construction costs have been skyrocketing for decades - to the point where new projects have become almost prohibitively expensive. If he can even cut costs by 30%, or create ways to build underground transit networks at a cost that is more palatable to governments, it could revolutionize public infrastructure. It doesn't need to be what he is dreaming of to majorly change the way subway and transportation infrastructure is built.

Timelines may be missed - but even then, given the ambition of the projects, the timelines are still far above what other companies seem capable of. I mean just look at how long it takes the city of Toronto to build a subway line. The DRL started design in 2013 and we are talking about a 2031 opening - 18 years! Even if Musk can build something in 10, it will be a huge improvement.

I have to beg to differ a little bit - sure tunneling isn't cheap, but underground transit project being super expensive seem to be a uniquely Toronto/New York City phenomenon - other cities doesn't seem to have the problem to nearly the same extent. This suggest something more than just actual construction cost of the tunnel proper at work.

I have to beg to differ a little bit - sure tunneling isn't cheap, but underground transit project being super expensive seem to be a uniquely Toronto/New York City phenomenon - other cities doesn't seem to have the problem to nearly the same extent. This suggest something more than just actual construction cost of the tunnel proper at work.

I wonder the same. In general, cost of infrastructure here is outrageous - not like Toronto has to contend with anything special that could be bumping up the costs (unlike NYC).

Fair Wage policy might be a start. I know certain western European countries like to give design/build/finance contracts to the Chinese who will build you a subway line in 3 years.
I wonder the same. In general, cost of infrastructure here is outrageous - not like Toronto has to contend with anything special that could be bumping up the costs (unlike NYC).

Fair Wage policy might be a start. I know certain western European countries like to give design/build/finance contracts to the Chinese who will build you a subway line in 3 years.

Vancouver too.
The city is finally admitting it doesn't have the staff to handle all these transit projects underway which has been causing all these crazy long development timelines and delays..

The City, and the TTC, have been using consultants for project management for the past 30 years. This is nothing new.

Toronto, Ont.
Have we heard anything? How long until shovels can be in the ground?

mostly likely won't be. I can't see the conservative government funding a subway in DT Toronto until they have built the Sheppard Line which spans across 4 newly elected PC ridings.

with the city council remap, the proportional support behind the DRL south have also decreased immensely.

I wouldn't be surprised if the DRL South ends up getting bundled with DRL North as an issue for the 2022 (possible 2026) election.
This is exciting. Progress!
Notice of Completion
Notice of Completion of Environmental Project Report Relief Line South, City of Toronto and Metrolinx Transit Project Assessment Process

We are pleased to advise that the City of Toronto and Metrolinx, as co-proponents, have completed an Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the Relief Line South in accordance with the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) under Ontario Regulation 231/08. Please find the Notice of Completion attached – feel free to share this with others who may be interested.

The EPR provides details of the project, including the preferred alignment and stations, existing and future environmental conditions, impacts, mitigation strategies and monitoring measures. The EPR will be available for public review from August 14, 2018 to September 13, 2018 on the project website (reliefline.ca/south) and at multiple public locations, as listed in the Notice of Completion. The Notice of Completion provides further details regarding this review period and the process for submitting comments.

Further design work is currently underway. At its meeting May 24, 2017, City Council authorized advancing preliminary design (15-30%) with a report back on updated cost estimates in Q4 2019. This work will be advancing over the next 18 months and will include further opportunities for public and stakeholder consultation.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.


The Relief Line Team

Report Here
So when can we get shovels in the groud in by earliest?

Especially considering if the DRL becomes an election issue- could be interesting seeing this packaged together with an extended Sheppard subway.
So when can we get shovels in the groud in by earliest?

Especially considering if the DRL becomes an election issue- could be interesting seeing this packaged together with an extended Sheppard subway.
or competing with instead...
While I'm happy there's progress, I can't help to be cynical about the timing of this, following Keesmaat's words yesterday on the lack of movement on this file.
