I would define subway as whatever is being used on the TTC's Green and Yellow lines :)
Sorry I've been quiet the last 24 hours, but had a busy few days at work. Anyway, I'll try to address a bunch of stuff below...

This Metrolinx group actually has the potential to get it right if properly funded.
I'm getting the sense that we may be headed for a bit of a show-down between The TTC and Metrolinx regarding certain priorities within the 416. I'm very heartened to see a DRL (phase 1) on that Metrolinx map. This is why I think it's important that we try to get the DRL back on the public agenda otherwise certain politicians (and transit advocates) may argue that this isn't something people are asking for. The truth though is that people don't even know about it (or have forgotten about it).

For the record, I love streetcars, I respect Steve Munro, I think most of Transit City is great, but I also think that the case for a DRL is incredibly compelling and should not be ignored especially in this period of capital re-investment.

*cough cough* Hello, anyone?
No idea, sorry.

We are up to 70 members in less than 24 hours. Not bad, but we can do better!

Allabootmatt is going to work on our intro at some point soon. Don't worry, it'll be simpler, snappier and better able to caputre people's imagination.
We are now up to 148 members in less than 3 days. Not bad! I think 1,000 should be our first benchmark. Hopefully that won't take too long! Once again, please invite everyone you think may support thos project to the Facebook group.

Also, as you've probably noticed already, Allabbootmatt has done a great job of making a snappier intro for the group! Thanks!!!

Okay, another question...

I seem to remember that someone took the TTC ride guide and removed all the routes to make a base map. Does anyone recall where I saw that?
Hmmm, maybe ask Interchange42?

You guys are so fully of energy and idealism and that is fantastic. The difficulty is, as a forum member (and somebody on Facebook), while I am tempted to join, I just feel I do not know enough about this concept. Is it financially viable? Who owns the tracks? Is transit on railway tracks even a good idea (and is it close enough to density modes)? Why was it not carried out? How does this differ from Go Transit? And does Transit City make this redundant?

Unfortunately there are not a lot of facts (just a lot of promises and nice sounding phrases) on the page to help anyone make a decision. I just read the page and have a thousand questions.
I'd say join anyway and ask your questions on the Facebook group. I'm sure you aren't the only one that doesn't understand the entire concept. If you aren't happy with the responses or the concept isn't compelling enough, you can always leave the group. This is one of those rare times I'd suggest taking a bit of the conversation off Urban Toronto and trying to get more of it going on the Facebook group. If the Facebook page doesn't look too active with posts and discussions than it may be construed that people joined the group "to be nice," but not because they are actually that interested in the concept.

Great responses, Scarberian. Questions just like these are what's going to be asked about the DRL and we need proper answers in response.
I may start a "Questions" thread for this very purpose on the Facebook group actually.

It would be no less reliable than any of the other subway lines, which all have above-ground segments.
Which means it would totally fail in a massive storm once every 25 years and otherwise there'd be a few seasonal delays every winter. Really not a huge deal considering the benefit this line will bring 99.9% of the time.

I want to make sure that any group I'm involved with is pushing for the original plan (with additional stations) along the Pape/Rail Corridor/Front/Dundas West alignment, built with subway technology.
For sure, but if people want to discuss alternates that's fine. So long as we steer them in the right direction and why we believe that subway technology is best. The only alternate concept I might agree to would be some sort of S-Bahn like service...but why confuse the message?

There's a few questions that people have asked on the Facebook group's Wall. If we could all make an effort to try and answer them as soon as possible, that'd be great!

Also, could all ADMINS on the Facebook group please check their e-mails? If you haven't received one from me, than I may not have your correct address.
For sure, but if people want to discuss alternates that's fine. So long as we steer them in the right direction and why we believe that subway technology is best. The only alternate concept I might agree to would be some sort of S-Bahn like service...but why confuse the message?
Exactly. I'd support S-Bahn/regional rail technology, or a King St or Queen St alignment. But what we're trying to do is get the concept out there. The rest is just details.
But what we're trying to do is get the concept out there. The rest is just details.

My thoughts exactly.

Toronto needs some sort of high capacity rail line that will take you from the middle of the Bloor subway to the middle of the Danforth subway via downtown.
Yeah, but the concept is the DRL, not a vague transit route through downtown. It's a subway line that can be promoted as affordable because it uses the rail corridor through downtown. It also serves all the new waterfront neighbourhoods.
A lot of fun to play with: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/quadrat/toronto-subway/regular/testdrive.html







Update: Our DRL Facebook group is only 4.5 days old and we already have 225 members and another 411 who have been invited. Not bad considering we've done virtually no advertising yet.

The ADMINS of the Facebook group are percolating with ideas about how to take this thing to the next level, so let's get some solid numbers and then stay tuned!
Get that font out of Mississauga dammit!

(btw, shouldn't Square One be Mississauga Centre?)

No one calls it Mississauga City Centre or Mississauga Centre. I figured if a subway line was ever built to Square One, the mall would insist that it bear its name :)

Plus, Mississauga City Centre was too long to fit.
Here's why it should be Mississauga City Centre:

Do you really want to rename the station when Square One becomes "The Rogers Mall Mississauga"?
