"No more backroom deals." Doug Ford, August 16, 2018


The secret Metrolinx documents also confirmed that the province secretly hired Michael Schabas to oversee the new line and leaked details of Ford's transit plans to the Toronto Sun the day before his announcement.
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Another negative article from the Toronto Star about this line..

I’m sorry, did you expect the media to get down on their knees for Doug Ford?

Direct your angst towards the government that has decided to make all these decisions in secret. If the government doesn’t want the media snooping around, they oughta not conduct themselves as if they’re engaging in shady backroom dealing. You really expect the media just to look the other way on that?
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"No more backroom deals." Doug Ford, August 16, 2018


The secret documents also confirmed that the province secretly hired Michael Schabas to oversee the new line and leaked details of Ford's transit plans to the Toronto Sun the day before his announcement.

Secrecy. Why all this secrecy? It’s a bloody subway line.
"No more backroom deals." Doug Ford, August 16, 2018


The secret Metrolinx documents also confirmed that the province secretly hired Michael Schabas to oversee the new line and leaked details of Ford's transit plans to the Toronto Sun the day before his announcement.

This is the same guy that proposed SmartTrack, and suggested it would eliminate the need for the DRL. Not exactly confidence inspiring :confused:
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""The presentation argued Toronto transit construction had stalled in the 1970s due to the TTC and city’s preference for expensive underground tunnelled subways."

Truer words have never been spoke..
Another negative article from the Toronto Star about this line..
Whatever you think about the merits of light vs. heavy or tunneled/elevated/at-grade, there's been ample speculation both in the media and on this forum that the plan was rapidly thrown together. As the article puts it, scribbled on the back of a napkin. This article confirms these rumors with not just "it's obvious" but internal documents.
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"No more backroom deals." Doug Ford, August 16, 2018


The secret Metrolinx documents also confirmed that the province secretly hired Michael Schabas to oversee the new line and leaked details of Ford's transit plans to the Toronto Sun the day before his announcement.

This guy sounds like a certain monorail salesman ?
""The presentation argued Toronto transit construction had stalled in the 1970s due to the TTC and city’s preference for expensive underground tunnelled subways."

Truer words have never been spoke..

More ill-informed, generalization without intellectual foundation is what was spoken, and what you posted.
