This letter came to Council today about the Osgoode station - from Director of Campbell House. Some interesting photos.
This is exactly what should happen: the Osgoode Hall grounds should not be touched. It would dovetail beautifully with the University Plan proposal... which we should really do a front page story on, probably set up a thread and maybe a database file. This is a chance to do something really profoundly transformative and progressive regarding returning parts of the city to pedestrians that would not be particularly difficult… and of course, this station as currently proposed actually does the opposite. Of course.

This city needs civic leaders with visions to improve it, not merely keep tax increases to below inflation in a desperate attempt to maintain a paper-thin, surfaces-only status quo.

This is exactly what should happen: the Osgoode Hall grounds should not be touched. It would dovetail beautifully with the University Plan proposal... which we should really do a front page story on, probably set up a thread and maybe a database file. This is a chance to do something really profoundly transformative and progressive regarding returning parts of the city to pedestrians that would not be particularly difficult… and of course, this station as currently proposed actually does the opposite. Of course.

This city needs civic leaders with visions to improve it, not merely keep tax increases to below inflation in a desperate attempt to maintain a paper-thin, surfaces-only status quo.

After reading this, I wish Mr. 42 was one of those civic leaders.
According to Steve Munro the trees are to be cut down starting December 5th. I guess Mr Ford and his cronies (Metrolinx, Tory etc) are working on the theory that you may as well piss everyone off at once!
we have 4 years till the next election, ford has shown he gives no shits for any people downtown who vote 100% for liberals/ndp

tory relies on fords provencial transfers to not piss off homeowners with property tax increases he aint going to fight ford over a few trees
we have 4 years till the next election, ford has shown he gives no shits for any people downtown who vote 100% for liberals/ndp

tory relies on fords provencial transfers to not piss off homeowners with property tax increases he aint going to fight ford over a few trees
Unfortunately, you are probably right on both counts!
I mean it's always standard government procedure to do the unpopular things at the start of your term and the popular things at the end. Ford did it last term, he'll do it again this term.
I mean it's always standard government procedure to do the unpopular things at the start of your term and the popular things at the end. Ford did it last term, he'll do it again this term.

That's true; it's even, arguably, supportable conceptually, insofar as a government believes it must do a particular thing (say raise taxes); and wants to do that to raise the money to deliver the good things as its term progresses.

Here, the challenge is that the justification for this exact configuration of the station's entrances/exits is weak. Credible alternatives have been presented, and any choice not to proceed with them should be transparently justified openly.

It has not been. Instead Mx and the gov't give off the vibe of a giant shrug at the opposition to molesting one of the best heritage landmarks and public spaces we have.
Is there a reason - I mean, quite apart from the Metrolinxness of the whole thing - that precluded a sidewalk entrance outside the Osgoode Hall grounds like they already have for Osgoode station on University Avenue?
Is there a reason - I mean, quite apart from the Metrolinxness of the whole thing - that precluded a sidewalk entrance outside the Osgoode Hall grounds like they already have for Osgoode station on University Avenue?

Not a lot of sidewalk to be had there. The lack of effort to at least try and transplant those mature trees are a little disappointing.

Credible alternatives have been presented, and any choice not to proceed with them should be transparently justified openly.
This is an important thing that we should always remember. That is, they don't have to do this. They're doing this because they want to do this. /sigh
They could expand the sidewalk somewhat, narrow the traffic lanes a bit. Or move the entrance to the south side of the street, which has sidewalk aplenty.
I don't see this government (both municipal and provincial) wanting to eat into traffic lanes. The foot-dragging is a dead giveaway.


The fact that University Park is now pencilled in as a real project, and that U of T has offered a substantial cash contribution, indicates to me that, ultimately, there will be lane reductions on University north of Richmond Street.

They will, in fact, be necessary in order to address what would otherwise be a bottleneck/pinchpoint north of College with the reductions there.

However, the City is indicating it wishes to start at the north end, presumably to please its new lead donor, U of T.

This section (at Queen) is at the very opposite end.

To me, it would have made sense to go from the south to the north.............but, here we are. 😩
