Heritage structure? Said tongue firmly in cheek.

It would make for a pretty cool lookout if it ever re-opened.

Also, +1 on not liking the idea of moving the science centre here.The existing location is stunning in terms of scenery/setting. With the Aga Khan museum just down the street, it helps create a little cultural hub in a corner of the city that needs some attention.
It's admittedly been several years since I hung around OP, if they want the part labelled Echo Bach to be an actual functional beach, they would have to do something about the water. That area was pretty much a stagnant backwater.
Also, +1 on not liking the idea of moving the science centre here.The existing location is stunning in terms of scenery/setting. With the Aga Khan museum just down the street, it helps create a little cultural hub in a corner of the city that needs some attention.

And also, moving it to the Better Living Centre site (with uncertain consequences for the BLC) kind of negates the whole talking point about moving the OSC to Ontario Place....
And also, moving it to the Better Living Centre site (with uncertain consequences for the BLC) kind of negates the whole talking point about moving the OSC to Ontario Place....

To be fair though, the BLC has outlived its usefulness. It was originally designed to replace the Manufacturers Building as a place to showcase the newest and hottest appliances, textiles and services.

In the Internet Age there is no longer a need to showcase things in person like their once was. That said, the BLC needs to be redeveloped into something more useful and honestly I think a newer version of the Science Centre is a good idea.

I get the nostalgia factor but the at the same time the buildings at Exhibition Place have outlived their intended function and as such they need to be re-purposed into an extension of Ontario Place
hat said, the BLC needs to be redeveloped into something more useful and honestly I think a newer version of the Science Centre is a good idea.

Wait a minute, i think there are many here that think the BLC should be protected under the heritage act?
Wait a minute, i think there are many here that think the BLC should be protected under the heritage act?
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Perhaps that is true but there is limited things you can do with the building. It's essentially a large open space. Not practical for a conference but also not able to do much else.

Out of all the buildings at the CNE it is the least occupied because nobody knows what to do with it.

I respect heritage value but sometimes things need to be looked at from a practicality perspective like they did with the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame.
It would make for a pretty cool lookout if it ever re-opened.

Also, +1 on not liking the idea of moving the science centre here.The existing location is stunning in terms of scenery/setting. With the Aga Khan museum just down the street, it helps create a little cultural hub in a corner of the city that needs some attention.

Agreed. See the Don Mills Crossing thread for a recently published report on plans for Don Mills and Eglinton. It will become quite the urban hub and the Science centre has a big role.
I respect heritage value but sometimes things need to be looked at from a practicality perspective like they did with the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame.

Are you really embracing what they did there?

And besides, we're getting back to the old complicating issue about moving the OSC to OP in the first place. That is, the implications for the heritage there as well. So, in effect, you'd be condemning Moriyama's work to oblivion on behalf of trashing the BLC: killing two modern-heritage birds with one stone.

(And of course, technically speaking, the "from a practicality perspective" argument may much more usefully be lodged against the OP pods than the Better Living Centre. So, if you're not moving the OSC on behalf of saving the pods, which I thought was the point of the whole move-the-OSC-argument in the first place, then why move the OSC in the first place? Leave it be...)
Personally I don't care that much for BLC - there is something about it that doesn't quite fit the context of the western end of the Ex, and the building itself utilitarian in a way that reminds you of the Union Bush shed. Document it - but preserving it? Not so much. Moving the OSC and leaving that building to various mercies afterwards would have been a much bigger blow.

On another note - I just HATE how BMO field interrupted the visual axis. It reminded me of how ACC messed up the one at Union Station. And let's not get me started about Biosteel/Ovo.

New pitch from Joe Berridge and Ken Tanenbaum for a different Ontario Place.

Also involves a new vision for Exhibition Place; includes retention of Cinesphere/Pods and moves the Ontario Science Centre to the Exhibition Grounds.

Star Article here: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/20...e-has-ambitious-goals-for-the-waterfront.html

Presentation here: https://theperfectcity.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2019/03/OPX-brochure_March-2019.pdf

Some pictures from the presentation:

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Welcome to Doug Ford World Resort. Where you can see the Rob Ford mascot roaming and falling around the grounds. Transportation about the grounds will be by subway, subway, subway. And there will be a ferris wheel and buck-a-beer. Please visit Ford Nation around Hotel X.
