By all means use the Ontario Place as a convention centre.

But leave the Science Centre alone.
Agreed, the Science Centre is fine where is it, and connectivity to it will only improve in the future (now, if only they fixed up their exhibits and got a new gift store).

Exhibition Place was always a convention centre from the start, and I don't see the harm of spreading some of its convention space + some mixed commercial/residential into Ontario Place to transform it into a year-round destination
Agreed, the Science Centre is fine where is it, and connectivity to it will only improve in the future (now, if only they fixed up their exhibits and got a new gift store).

Exhibition Place was always a convention centre from the start, and I don't see the harm of spreading some of its convention space + some mixed commercial/residential into Ontario Place to transform it into a year-round destination

Ontario Place worked well during the CNE when people just crossed the bridge and entered in.

Exhibition Place is now primarily all private businesses as follows:

-The Horticultural Building is Muzik

-Music Building is a fashion incubator

-The Queen Elizabeth Building is a banquet hall and upstairs dining hall while the admin portion of the building is leased out.

-The Horse Palace is leased out to a riding academy

-The Coliseum is leased out as a sports venue

-The Industrial Annex of the Coliseum is an animal shelter

-The Automotive Building is a private events venue

-The Government of Ontario building is now the Liberty Grand

-The Government Building is Medieval Times

My point is that the buildings are already leased out to private enterprises so unless someone feels the need to provoke a lawsuit or expropriate the land there is no way to put the buildings to other uses.

Really only the Better Living Centre, Food Building and the main section of the Queen Elizabeth Building can be turned into a year round destination. Right now, the Food Building is in a bad state and should be torn down. It is likely maintained but not very well.
Wouldn't the Ontario Line presuppose the OSC staying where it is?

Seems to be the OSC relocation notion is the Toronto Star trying to meet the Ford Government halfway re revitalizing Ontario Place.
Not great shots, but showing clearing at Ontario Place:


Future of Ontario Place on the agenda at city council meeting

Codi Wilson,

Published Tuesday, May 14, 2019 7:13AM EDT

The future of Ontario Place is on the agenda at this week’s city council meeting.

Councillors will vote on a recommendation to reach out to the Ontario government and request that the province and city “jointly plan” the future of 155-acre site.

The recommendation comes after some councillors expressed concerns that the Ford government will proceed with plans to redevelop Ontario Place without consulting the municipality or Toronto residents.

The province launched a request for proposals process for the site’s development in January and on the website for that process, the Ontario government identifies areas for development as the Ontario Place islands, the adjacent mainland, the pods and the Cinesphere.

The website also notes developers can submit proposals for a section of the site or for the entire site, with one of the only exceptions being a prohibition on residential uses.
I wonder when the province will override the city on this...

Toronto council votes unanimously to add Ontario Place to Toronto’s Heritage Register.
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^Knowing Doug, probably by the end of the week. The guy is completely out of control.

Let's keep these thread politically neutral? One thing I learned over the years is never discuss politics. It only leads to fights, broken families and the occasional revolution, coup or riot.
^Unfortunately that's the nature of the beast when we're talking about what's happening with Ontario Place at the moment. After all, it's the province that has the ultimate say as to what happens with the land here.

City council voted unanimously to add Ontario Place to Toronto’s Heritage Register while working towards planning for its future with the provincial government.

At Tuesday’s meeting at city hall, councillors voted 25-0 in favour of a recommendation to reach out to the Ontario government and “jointly plan” for the future of the 155-acre site.
^Mikey Ford voted in favor? Now that's something I never saw coming at all.

Seeing as the property is owned by the Province, having the property on the city's heritage register really amounts to nothing. The Province can still do what it wants.

It's also just "listed", which barely grants any protections compared to "designated".
