It needs better transit access to be a viable project. I would create a new 'branch' of the Exhibition car that turns onto Lakeshore from Fleet and continues into the complex on a series of bridges.
It needs better transit access to be a viable project. I would create a new 'branch' of the Exhibition car that turns onto Lakeshore from Fleet and continues into the complex on a series of bridges.

Of course, that only makes sense if the demand is actually there. It's a bit of a chicken/egg problem -- the TTC doesn't want to spend huge amounts of money on a line that has no passengers, and there will be no passengers at OP if there isn't good transit to begin with.
My parents used to take me to Ontario place in the summer sometimes when I was a kid. When I look back at it it is amazing how much those experiences shaped my imagination about space. Both in the architecture and children's play areas there were an amazing array of visual experiences of interplay between air, water, structure, ropes, tunnels, bridges, domes, tents, forest areas etc. I really enjoyed the zoo and Canada's Wonderland for this very same reason, they are just amazing spaces to move through when you are a child because of the rich range of experiences. It's hard to think back and remember how exciting it was to cross a bridge for the sake of crossing a bridge or go through a tunnel for the sake of going through a tunnel.
An archival pic (see more on the Photo thread "Lost Toronto in Colour"):


I loved those floating pods and cinesphere, from the first time I saw them and some 30 years later, I still love them. They just seemed so futuristic back then. Actually, for me, they still do. I can't think of any building built since then that looks more futuristic. Those buildings are still the coolest buildings in town. I'm sure they will remain, they're just too iconic to tear down.
maybe Ontario Place should collaborate with the CNE to develop the parking lot strip between the two, that would create a better connection and relation to each other.
I would love to see CNE events spread to Ontario Place, but not become a tacky theme park.

It definitely needs to be a destination place.
I would like to see various cultural functions and events -- art galleries, intimate event/convention center, nautical museum & school, restaurants & bars, performing arts, cooking school, artist studios, etc.
It would stunning at night.

I would have my wedding there.
is the location of the toronto museum set in stone (at old city hall)? could it go here?

Unless the shovel is in the ground, nothing is set in stone nowadays in this city, 'Money talks and bullshit walks." ...i think that even the so called aquarium proposal for the foot of the CN tower has a chance to be built at this site.
It would be nice if the province partnered with Ripley's, to move the aquarium to Ontario Place and build a bigger, better attraction. (the centre of the universe deserves nothing but the best) We need attractions that will get attention all over the world, not half-assed measures. It would fit into the plan of making Ontario Place a year round attraction and something many tourists will want to see. A public/private development would be great for this project, as it will not only help Ripley's to share the cost but it will help start the new direction of Ontario Place. Oh, and make it ICONIC! The Sydney Opera House comes to mind.
It COULD work. But it's also more risky I think for Ripleys. There's tourists at the CN Tower year-round, no? Whereas Ontario Place/CNE are dead in the winter.
It's dead in the winter because there is nothing there in the winter really.

Add an LRT line, upgrade Ontario Place with things to do year round, and it could be amazing. It will never happen though, that would be too easy.
The CNE is pretty much busy all year, with all those trade shows and events in the trade centre and the Alstream Centre just opened. They are also building that hotel, so there are lots of people around there year round. I'm sure it's only going to get busier when it's all developed. If they build Ontario Place properly and program it well, it will be successful. If they cheap out and just give it a tweak, here and there, of course, it won't change it's situation.
