Build creatively on what already works

The trouble with this one is that not everyone agrees on what already works. For example, streetcars. There are some who think streetcars do not work (especially if they drive by themselves in a car), when the worldwide experience has shown that they do work (especially when one uses transit on a regular basis).
The trouble with this one is that not everyone agrees on what already works. For example, streetcars. There are some who think streetcars do not work (especially if they drive by themselves in a car), when the worldwide experience has shown that they do work (especially when one uses transit on a regular basis).

I think people don't think streetcars don't work because they're slow and plodding and don't get you anywhere fast. That is my experience. They're great if you're going somewhere but don't care when you get there.
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Streetcars don't work when they share the street with too many vechicles that slow them down.

That's the problem. When I was young, taking a streecar along Queen didn't take that long because the traffic was lighter. Now it's just insane especially during peak times. I really don't like saying this but the car is the way this city was structued and geared towards in later urban development. People don't want to hear this but Toronto is a automobile city. Public transit will always comes in second and that's just the reality of living in this city.

And I don't drive so I'm not biased towards cars. This city should have invested in massive and continous subway expansion years ago but we completely missed the boat.
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Maybe merge Exhibition Place with Ontario Place to create one entity (eg. Canadian National Exhibition @ Ontario Place).
There should be one, clear pedestrian axis right starting at the queen West Triangle, through liberty village, through the CNE grounds to Ontario Place... Footbridges or well-lit tunnels could bypass the transportation corridors that currently make each of these zones feel like an island each unto itself . Right now Ontario Place feels very inaccessible from anywhere else in the city that people actually want to be.

Were it accessible, and if the grounds were open to the public as a park, I am sure much of West Toronto would happily reclaim it as their waterfront.
Has there been any progress on this? I saw some articles last summer but nothing since then. From everything I read, they wanted to move swiftly on proposals and have something chosen by this summer, but I haven't heard of anything happening at all.

This is such a great opportunity and you'd think the whole city would want to be involved in the direction this takes, but it's been a black hole.
Has there been any progress on this? I saw some articles last summer but nothing since then. From everything I read, they wanted to move swiftly on proposals and have something chosen by this summer, but I haven't heard of anything happening at all.

This is such a great opportunity and you'd think the whole city would want to be involved in the direction this takes, but it's been a black hole.

Yep, yet another dark summer in store for Ontario Place...hey, if it takes a Casino to kick start this dump, then bring it on.:)
Has there been any progress on this? I saw some articles last summer but nothing since then. From everything I read, they wanted to move swiftly on proposals and have something chosen by this summer, but I haven't heard of anything happening at all.

This is such a great opportunity and you'd think the whole city would want to be involved in the direction this takes, but it's been a black hole.

Well, if you read the Ministry of Tourism's Competiveness Study, you'd see that the plan is to have Ontario Place revitalized for 2017.
I have see at least 100 different proposal over the years for both CNE and Ontario Place and wasted a lot of times to come up with a cost for them, that have yet to see the light of day so far. Most were out in left field with a few good ones, but cost was a factor against them.

Today, both place needs a major make over and to become something that is open all year round.

Not having transit on the lakeshore does not help Ontario Place or the south side of the EX.

If you got a car, no problem getting to it if you can find the parking spot close to it.
This is the problem with Ontario Place. No transit, not much parking. Potential is limited, despite the seemingly great location. I would love to see a casino with all revenues going to the city. They could figure out a solution to the transit issue because it's guaranteed to make money. It could be an event space and conference space with restaurants and maybe a concert hall or something like that. It could be designed beautifully over the water.
I'd use the casino revenue to beautify the city and take care of the basics like phasing out overhead wires, at least along major streets. Call it a voluntary tax to improve the city, if you will.
Why not open some city-owned brothels too? Think of the sidewalks we could have!!
^Great idea. I can just picture the city coming up with a beaurocratic nightmare for prostitution like they did for street food with Toronto a la carte.

Great idea. I can just picture the city coming up with a beaurocratic nightmare for prostitution like they did for street food with Toronto a la carte.


That's great!

" Sex A La Carte"

Your portable brothel must have a hand washing station!

The brothel must meet City standards and be leased or purchased from the City.

You as the owner of the brothel must work there at least 70% of the time.

You may not sell Hot Dogs!

Condoms shall be branded with the 'Sex A La Carte" logo, in City approved colours!

Only 'healthy' sex may be sold.

Locations will be picked by the City and may be changed without notice!

Your brothel must be taken down each day and hauled away to your driveway before being bring brought back to site for approved hours the next day!

If anyone makes a profit, the program will be canceled or re-worked.
