The sad thing is, he'd be right.
True enough, and you can say the same about Ontario Place and Zeidler. Even the anecdotes of some within this group of OP as essentially a water park and an empty vessel for Lego/Nintendo affirm that notion--you *really* have to engage to some kind of World's Fair-era all-ages optimism to channel something deeper. And nobody knows or cares whether there's any architecture or architects involved of note relative to Canada's Wonderland...
True enough, and you can say the same about Ontario Place and Zeidler. Even the anecdotes of some within this group of OP as essentially a water park and an empty vessel for Lego/Nintendo affirm that notion--you *really* have to engage to some kind of World's Fair-era all-ages optimism to channel something deeper. And nobody knows or cares whether there's any architecture or architects involved of note relative to Canada's Wonderland...
Given that Vaughan Mills has the Legoland Discovery Centre, it would be great for Ontario Place to revisit its roots and have something Nintendo-related, perhaps a dedicated store similar to that of Nintendo New York:

Yes, I have been to Nintendo New York in 2016 and I can say that it would be an excellent fit in Toronto, may it be in Ontario Place, The Well, or The One.
i remember there being a proposed lane closure for lakeshore and the mgt for like 3 months. Thats this coming summer right?
I ran past yesterday. The MGT is relocated to Lake Shore from the Western entrance eastwards for a few hundred metres. I don't know when this started.
do people not understand how graffiti works? do people not understand how construction contracts work? The contractor isnt going to allow garbage to pile up there.
Its probably in the construction contracts to keep construction areas "graffiti, garbage free" and keep damage to infrastructure in well maintained state
Thats litterally what this is

Chill out people why is everything gotta be a conspiracy.
Sure, sure, whatever...

....that said, it is interesting how our premiere took the photo op with a one Jordan Peterson in the promotion of "free speech" a while back before the professor-that-was went off even on a deeper end. So it is pretty obvious from this and other things that's only limited to what Doug agrees with. That's not unreasonable conclusion or is a demonstration of how this government works. So not looking at any smoke on the grassy knoll here...rather just presenting the facts also./shrug

BTW, does anyone else note that those "tags" where all written in chalk?
Sure, sure, whatever...

....that said, it is interesting how our premiere took the photo op with a one Jordan Peterson in the promotion of "free speech" a while back before the professor-that-was went off even on a deeper end. So it is pretty obvious from this and other things that's only limited to what Doug agrees with. That's not unreasonable conclusion or is a demonstration of how this government works. So not looking at any smoke on the grassy knoll here...rather just presenting the facts also./shrug

BTW, does anyone else note that those "tags" where all written in chalk?
Dough Ford does approve of certain types of vandalism, such as proposing the construction of a freeway on environmentally sensitive land and making deals with housing developers to pave over parts of the Greenbelt.
Dough Ford does approve of certain types of vandalism, such as proposing the construction of a freeway on environmentally sensitive land and making deals with housing developers to pave over parts of the Greenbelt.
It's all semantics though... be fair, I was going to come back and nuke my original post of contention regarding it likely wasn't the best place to say this, as the nuance of the point can gets lost on those more interested in looking for that armchair lawyered "Ah-ha!" moment. Unfortunately, it was replied to of sorts...and it would be bad form of me to yank it. So I had roll with it, with one detractor giving me a free /upvote point in laughing at it. Something about annoying all the right people...

...but I digress, and getting back to my point. When our premier preaches absolutism in free speech (something I personally don't agree with), he is setting the precedent and example of how speech is going to work in this province. Then one of his pet projects decides to wash away chalk based "graffiti" that's giving the public useful information and awareness, it sets a double standard regardless whether entities involved have a legal right to wash it away or not. It's the principle of the thing that's really important here.

Anyroads, I think I've rambled on enough about this. Consider my protest noted. <3
