The amount of trees taken down already is much more than I thought. The West Island is pretty much decimated.


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As I scrolled through Twitter/X, the videos coming out of an entire block of trees being clear-cut overnight in an undercover, mafia-like fashion made my blood boil. Straight out of the last century. How unbecoming of 2024, an era in which we should be well past this crude postwar mindset of unthinking fossil- and auto-centric urban ecocide. Ford Nation's handling of what was once a cultural crown jewel for so many children and families of this city and province has entered the realm of utter savagery and sadism. F*** Ford, and f*** all his cronies implicated in this criminal "spa" enterprise.
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As I scrolled through Twitter/X, the videos coming out of an entire block of trees being clear-cut overnight in an undercover, mafia-like fashion made my blood boil. Straight out of the last century. How unbecoming of 2024, an era in which we should be well past this crude postwar mindset of unthinking fossil- and auto-centric urban ecocide. Ford Nation's handling of what was once a cultural crown jewel for so many children and families of this city and province has entered the realm of utter savagery and sadism. F*** Ford, and f*** all his cronies implicated in this criminal "spa" enterprise.
Jesus the rhetoric. To top it all off calling them criminal is a bit too much. Courts have multiple times in this case called it absolutely legal and constitutional.
As I scrolled through Twitter/X, the videos coming out of an entire block of trees being clear-cut overnight in an undercover, mafia-like fashion made my blood boil. Straight out of the last century. How unbecoming of 2024, an era in which we should be well past this crude postwar mindset of unthinking fossil- and auto-centric urban ecocide. Ford Nation's handling of what was once a cultural crown jewel for so many children and families of this city and province has entered the realm of utter savagery and sadism. F*** Ford, and f*** all his cronies implicated in this criminal "spa" enterprise.
The good news for those who are lamenting about this once "cultural crown jewel for so many children and families" is that it's exactly what they are building here. A water park for middle class families, only this time the province is going to make money rather than lose it.
Profits and success are not guaranteed. Also, as poor Ontario Place has itself shown, nothing ages as fast as the future. Will the spa/waterpark even survive past a few decades in it's newly built form?
Ford has been acting in bad faith this entire time - in secrecy, by force, through avaricious backroom connections. The financial projections are shaky at best, the squandered possibilities for public goodwill and a progressive park - limitless.
We've no choice now but to see what happens. I personally won't wish the project ill at this point, but it's a pain how we got here and it's too bad we didn't get better.
Courts have multiple times in this case called it absolutely legal and constitutional.
All that says, is the government knew they could get away with this...which is really isn't all that flattering. So being vetted by the courts doesn't really make them on the right side of history here, it just makes what they're doing legal. Big difference.
All that says, is the government knew they could get away with this...which is really isn't all that flattering. So being vetted by the courts doesn't really make them on the right side of history here, it just makes what they're doing legal. Big difference.
Moral vs legal are 2 different things that we agree, But the guy i was responding to was specifically talking ILLEGAL and Corrupt which is just straight not true.

If you wanna say the Ford government is on the wrong side of history, Sure whatever go ahead, but dont go too far.
Moral vs legal are 2 different things that we agree, But the guy i was responding to was specifically talking ILLEGAL and Corrupt which is just straight not true.

If you wanna say the Ford government is on the wrong side of history, Sure whatever go ahead, but dont go too far.
I get that. But I just wanted to make sure that nuance was understood here as that's an easy one to conveniently overlook. Also see: Mike Duffy.
I went to Ontario Place as a child and with my family for a theme attractions around 2007-2009 and went to West Island for CIAS airshow in Summer 2021. What happened to West Island I’m disappointed of nature being destroyed thanks to Doug and his buddies.

It’s time to send Doug Ford to federal court for the greenbelt scandal, Ontario Science Centre, building new highways on a middle of farmland, and Ontario Place gone wrong. It’s time to send Doug to prison.

I will be voting for NDP in the next election not conservatives.
I remember going to Ontario Place as a kid. Blame Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals for letting it rot.

The same people criticizing the revitalization of Ontario Place will be the first ones to attend it's opening.

There is a reason why Doug Ford's party is 40% in the polls.

The Ontario Liberals and NDP are basically the Trudeau Liberals. Bye.
And they're still "tied" State side...

...getting back on topic here, the Liberals are in many ways as culpable as the PC's in dealing with OP. However, they're not in power but the PC"s are. And the onus of responsibility of setting things right and doing the right thing falls upon them, regardless where they are in the poles. The criticism here is they have not done so but instead doing things that will unlikely help it or preserve this place with any degree of dignity it so deserves. It's fixing the rot with the wrong kind of bandaids to put it mildly, IMO.
Wasn't Ontario Place (OP) claiming there were around 3 million visitors going to it already in recent years? (Source) With more programming, and more of that year round, shouldn't we expect even more visitors, perhaps even approaching the 6 million the gov't is estimating? I don't think comparing the new OP to the Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty are fair comparisons given I'd think most tourists would only visit those once in their life & locals are probably not going up repeatedly either. I'm pretty sure people go & will go to OP repeatedly - whether to the free outdoor areas, to see a concert at Live Nation, or to visit the new water park & spa.
