I think the process of making sure the hertiage issues should be front and centre of any proposal should start now rather than waiting till the proposals come out - making sure no proponent would even think about demolishing cinesphere and the pods is better than reacting after the fact.

How is the Cinesphere NOT heritage? In addition to its unique (in Toronto) geodesic design, it was the very first IMAX theatre in the world! The very definition of a historically significant structure. Yes, it is 'only' 39 years old, but that's not much younger than many of the classic 1920s or 1930s buildings (such as the old Toronto Star building) that were demolished in the 1960s to 1970s, that we regret so much now and wonder what they were thinking at the time. The difference is that the Cinesphere is much more historically significant (not merely in Canada, but as a world landmark) than any of those were.

I have never become personally involved in an anti-demolition protest before, but if the Cinesphere is scheduled to be destroyed, I will be most definitely involved.
Log in to FB first, then right click and open this link in a different window - there should be a join button on that group's page.

Before we just to conclusions I'd give them a chance to see what they come up with - I'm pretty sure they can incorporate many of the older structures.

Unfortunately we live in an era where jumping to conclusions is necessary.
It's entirely possible the next thing we hear from these folks is at a 'public consultation', the purpose of which is to announce the road closures for the site demolition to begin the next day.
To be honest, I say go for it.

I couldn't see any sort of architect or landscape architect just remove the Cinesphere since it is such huge element in the park.
I like how every article mentions that attendance is falling without giving some possible reasons, like it's just happening naturally. (blame the internet lol) Nobody is mentioning how Ontario Place management might be the reason. Every change they have made, and there is more than a few, has been for the worst. If they would have just left it alone, it would be in much better shape than it is today. Of course, it would have been great if they added new and exciting attractions but all they did was close down one thing after the other or just make it smaller. The reason Ontario Place has gone downhill and lost attendance, is due to Ontario governments. To suggest otherwise, is just disingenuous!

For those floating pods to just sit empty is ridiculous. Not only are all those pods off limits to the public but so is Ontario North Now. (Closed down) Other than the 2nd rate water-play area and the Cinesphere, what is left to do at Ontario Place? The government created this situation, they should own up to it.
I would say: sell the land to private developers and put condos here. Build "Lake Ontario University" on the CNE grounds, keeping all the old buildings with new structures gradually taking over all the parking lots.
I would say: sell the land to private developers and put condos here. Build "Lake Ontario University" on the CNE grounds, keeping all the old buildings with new structures gradually taking over all the parking lots.
Get serious!

Could you hate Toronto any more than you already do? Why even live here if you hate it so much? Oh wait, let me guess. It gives you something to complain about and we all know how much Canadians love to complain. It also gives you ample opportunities to show your sarcastic wit and piss off as many Toronto residents as possible. Now what could be more satisfying than that?
^I love Toronto so much I want to see this tacky Zeidler eyesore replaced by something truly beautiful! How about an expansive beach waterfront with stunning aA highrises, an urbanized CNE grounds--currently it's merely a big box amusement park for morons--pedestrianized with 24/7 uses. Build the theme parks elsewhere, but build them boldly and with lasting architecture!

If you want to see a farm--drive out to Perth County.

If you want to see pods--buy an ipod.:p

Okay, keep the dome thingy--it'll make for a jolly good sales pavilion for the condos!
Here we have an opportunity to build something amazing, and now some people are all over it to keep it...i dont get it Torontonians should be excited.
I'm sorry but my Psychology degree can't take any more of UD's denial.

To be be fair UD... You think you love Toronto but in fact you love your "idea of Toronto". The vision of it in your head, that you yourself have created. Not the actual living breathing city that surrounds you. To love Toronto means you love what Toronto IS not what you wish it were, or hope it will become, or imagine it in your mind. "To love" is an action of the present. Meaning you love it now, including its flaws.


"I will love Toronto as soon as they fix all the things I think are wrong with it."

That is pure narcissism. The above statement or sentiment says you love what your brain and ego have made up. We shall call this your "Ego Vision of Toronto". You are in love with your own vision, not the actual artifact.

That is the cornerstone of your curmudgeonly behaviour. The real Toronto does not jibe with what your ego says it should be and that grates on your ego. The real Toronto constantly insults your "Perfect Ego Vision of Toronto" inside you and you must therefore denigrate and insult everything that fails to live up to what your ego has envisioned, thereby soothing your psyche and reinforcing the validity of your "Ego Vision".

Sorry for the psycho-babble, but I think allowing the other forumers an inside peek into your motivations, will offer them the insight needed to tolerate future harsh criticisms of yours.

Fear not... You are not alone. We ALL speak from this same ego when we criticize something. You are just more vociferous than most.
^I love Toronto so much I want to see this tacky Zeidler eyesore replaced by something truly beautiful! How about an expansive beach waterfront with stunning aA highrises, an urbanized CNE grounds--currently it's merely a big box amusement park for morons--pedestrianized with 24/7 uses. Build the theme parks elsewhere, but build them boldly and with lasting architecture!

If you want to see a farm--drive out to Perth County.

If you want to see pods--buy an ipod.:p

Okay, keep the dome thingy--it'll make for a jolly good sales pavilion for the condos!

If this is how you treat the club chicks you date, I hope one of them does a John Wayne Bobbitt number on you.
