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On August 17, the first day of CNE, Doug Ford said, "We're going to work in conjunction with the CNE, redo Ontario Place and make it the most spectacular destination anywhere in North America to visit." If he really has such a great plan, it just seems a little strange that we still haven't been told anything about it yet.
In case you haven't noticed yet, Doug Ford's talk is all fluff and no substance. He just mouths off whatever non-sense comes to mind, of which 90% makes no sense/he has no real plan for.

Some of his most memorable quotes:

"Downtown has enough subways"

"We're gunna build subways out to Pickering"

"There are more libraries than Tim Horton's"

"We're gunna have buck-a-beer again in Ontario"
44 North:

"Apropos" of your thought to add humans as a element of Ontario Place rebirth, here's my old (vodka-infused?) impossible dream for OP revitalization along with a new (floating) neighbourhood.

Thought you might get a kick out of it.

This UT story link also includes a PDF link at the end if you're interested in the strategy/technology and master plan concept.

Enjoy ;-)

Ontario Place Redux (2013): UT story

Well, there it is! Fantastic stuff and glad to see others having big ideas for what can be done on the lake. Certainly enough space out there. Personally would make the archology a bit more porous with more inlets and less surface area. Perhaps by way of pavilions on stilts, which in turn will be enclosed by a stone/earthen breakwater naturalized like the Spit. I may SketchUp something when feeling creative. Actually wasn't aware that Ontario Place was part of Harbour City, so learned something in that article.

Now your indoor waterpark... don't have any links, but in the last year or two didn't we get a proposal for something identical? I definitely remember it, and it would make sense as a year round venue. Anyone know what happened with that?
Now your indoor waterpark... don't have any links, but in the last year or two didn't we get a proposal for something identical? I definitely remember it, and it would make sense as a year round venue. Anyone know what happened with that?

Yeah this.......
marbleLIVE Water Park Proposal | ?m | ?s......

But then again i agree with Torontovibe, 'go big or go home

We could use a few more year round attractions and since Ontario Place wants to transform into a year round attraction, maybe it might be a good choice. We will need some large indoor buildings if Ontario Place is going to operate during winter, so this could be the start of making that happen. I would like it to be much bigger and more elaborate, with a major hotel attached. (no second rate shit for Toronto, please!) They should build a whole new, big island for this and turn it into Toronto's tropical winter playground. If you're gonna dream, dream BIG.
I dug up an old post of mine in this thread from 2015. My thoughts on what kind of space Ontario Place needs to become is unchanged since then. I will repost it for posterity sake:

"I always said that if we want to be a world-class city, than we would have to make Ontario Place a world class attraction.

It needs to be somewhere where tourists can spend the entire day there and not be bored, somewhere where Torontonians and Ontarians can spend the day or evening year-round, it needs to have events and attractions simultaneously for several demographics, it needs to have access to the now clean Lake Ontario water, it needs to have an excellent and vibrant restaurant scene and complimenting art and urban spaces, and it needs to have rapid transit (WWLRT) connecting it to downtown.

Being younger than most of you I don't remember Ontario Place the way it was in the 80s or 90s, but I spent many summers as a child there in the 2000's and I remember it being a very great time. I would love it for future generations of Torontonians/Ontarians and the many many tourists that come to Toronto to experience the same and more. To me, Ontario Place symbolizes the world class city Toronto can become."
Does anyone else have the feeling that Jim Ginou was totally oblivious to OP's heritage status when he made his statement? Wonder if he's got any "oops" in him--though again, I'm supposing the DoFo way is to sweep all that inconvenient heritage-report stuff under the carpet...
On August 17, the first day of CNE, Doug Ford said, "We're going to work in conjunction with the CNE, redo Ontario Place and make it the most spectacular destination anywhere in North America to visit."

If he really has such a great plan, it just seems a little strange that we still haven't been told anything about it yet.

As we watch Ontario Place, keep an eye on Exhibition Place. Mark Grimes was re-appointed chair on that board. Exhibition Place controls the lands, including BMO Field and the Marlies' arena, the Raptors' training centre, the conference centres and Hotel X, Muzik, the Raptors' Medieval Times, as well as the facilities used by the CNE, the Royal Winter Fair, and the Indy. They locked out the technical workers for months. And John Tory robocalled for Grimes in 2018, despite being under police investigation (and later charged with election violations).
As we watch Ontario Place, keep an eye on Exhibition Place. Mark Grimes was re-appointed chair on that board. Exhibition Place controls the lands, including BMO Field and the Marlies' arena, the Raptors' training centre, the conference centres and Hotel X, Muzik, the Raptors' Medieval Times, as well as the facilities used by the CNE, the Royal Winter Fair, and the Indy. They locked out the technical workers for months. And John Tory robocalled for Grimes in 2018, despite being under police investigation (and later charged with election violations).

And of course, we all knew the link between Muzik, Grimes and Ford too.

On August 17, the first day of CNE, Doug Ford said, "We're going to work in conjunction with the CNE, redo Ontario Place and make it the most spectacular destination anywhere in North America to visit."

If he really has such a great plan, it just seems a little strange that we still haven't been told anything about it yet.

In case you haven't noticed yet, Doug Ford's talk is all fluff and no substance. He just mouths off whatever non-sense comes to mind, of which 90% makes no sense/he has no real plan for.

Some of his most memorable quotes:

"Downtown has enough subways"

"We're gunna build subways out to Pickering"

"There are more libraries than Tim Horton's"

"We're gunna have buck-a-beer again in Ontario"

I think that, if anything, the question is only a matter of when will DoFo errect a giant ferris wheel at Ontario Place, or ''DoFo's Amusement Park'' as I'll call it.
