I hope they don't touch Trillium Park, I'm growing quite fond of it. That being said I wasn't too crazy over the proposed second wave of development.

I remember years ago it was brought up for a massive indoor water attraction and hotel, which I fond suitable for part of the land. Add a casino onto it and retain the Cinesphere as a centrepiece. Maybe have a front lawn for public events with shops and restaraunts.

If Douggie really wants a ferris wheel, might as well go all out and make it the world's largest with a couple other flat rides with varying degrees of intensity to bring in tourists. Something like the Marineland quadruple tower, instead of looking at the falls you'll have the CN Tower/ downtown and the islands.

If there is that much pull for tourists, naturally transit will find a way and other developments will take place. We have at least 3 more years of this office, so based on that.... I'm proposing this.
Ontario Place already hosts a small-scale preview of what's to come:
If it really was that easy to get to Ontario Place by transit, the Aurora Festival wouldn't need to have a free shuttle. And even then, it appears the vast majority of attendees chose to drive instead. I've done the walk from Exhibition Station many times. Five minutes is doable, but doing it with small children or seniors can almost double the time.
Not to mention inclement weather and ice.
"Everything is in complete disrepair, there is nothing that can be saved,"
I almost went ballistic when I read those, but do note that others are right on it:

I'm an avid cyclist, and when a pedestrian, walk long distance with a Big Black Lab, and on both counts, doing the path around the western and southern periphery is like being...well...'somewhere else'...which is priceless. Somehow Nature has left a wonderful little beach on the southwestern flank. All of the chatter from the mindless minions of the Ford Fiasco is very disturbing. These freakin clowns would stomp all over Kew Gardens in boots killing all that's precious to erect statues of their worthless whims to the false gods of consumerism...
The south portion of the Portlands is a beach/park and I believe it wouldn't be as close to the water as OP. As well OP is closer to the big flashy lights and general skyline of Toronto whereas Portland's (to my recollection) is further adrift and the towers that will align it to downtown are much smaller in comparison.
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Portlands is not a wasteland... it's a treasure. A mixed-bag, yes. Brownfields and naturalized coastline and Cherry Beach. Lots of opportunities for redevelopment of all kinds await. And it's very close to the city core! Go to Poulson Street and take in the view of the city... it's not as if it's miles away, it's right freakin' there.

Not that I want to see a Ferris wheel in either location, personally.
Portlands is not a wasteland... it's a treasure. A mixed-bag, yes. Brownfields and naturalized coastline and Cherry Beach. Lots of opportunities for redevelopment of all kinds await. And it's very close to the city core! Go to Poulson Street and take in the view of the city... it's not as if it's miles away, it's right freakin' there.

Not that I want to see a Ferris wheel in either location, personally.

I agree the Portland's has so much potential but still 20 years away whereas Ontario Place and surroundings is more developed for people
makes a big difference for a planned tourist attraction
On one hand, I am kind of glad that we have a government that recognizes that drastic changes need to occur at Ontario Place, rather than the grass-lawn expansion policy of the previous government.

On the other, I am terrified at what they might have in mind.
I feel the same way! The Libs did nothing to turn Ontario Place into the fun place it once was but I'm afraid the Cons will totally destroy the place. Nobody seems to give OP the attention it deserves!
