I don't know if it was oblivion or he just doesn't give a s***. I'm quite sure Doug doesn't.

Maybe he didn't give a s*** going into making that tweet, but I wonder if he now regrets opening up that can of worms. Not in that sense that he'd back away, but in the sense that he should have shut his big mouth...
The Liberals closed Ontario Place seven years ago and did next to nothing with it for the rest of their time in government. Where were the rallies then?
Where were the announcements they were going to privatize it?

Or even more to the point, where was the "nothing can be saved" tweet?

The Libs may have mothballed the place, but they weren't actively ballparking a tabula rasa notion. Remember: in all likelihood, this rally wouldn't have happened as it did were it not for Jim Ginou opening up his big Twitter yap.
^And yet again, it's not 'Ford vs the Libs'...it's Ford vs the Conservatives of the past, the ones who built OP, and insist it remain as it was intended....*For the People*!

Look at Bill Davis, the premier who was PC and served his time when Ontario Place was built, and was one of the reason it was built. As you can expect, he is not happy with DoFo's idea of putting a casino there, so I am I
Look at Bill Davis, the premier who was PC and served his time when Ontario Place was built, and was one of the reason it was built. As you can expect, he is not happy with DoFo's idea of putting a casino there, so I am I
John Robarts, right, was the Ontario premier who first pitched Ontario Place, which he said would reflect a “mood of gaiety and openness".
From the beginning, Ontario Place was about the future

Doug Ford: "We don't need no stinkin' gay things or Leftie openess".
The Liberals closed Ontario Place seven years ago and did next to nothing with it for the rest of their time in government. Where were the rallies then?

They built a massive new (beautiful and well-used) park and were engaged in the planning stages for another, restored, revitalized, and re-opened the Cinesphere, brought in a number of interesting festivals, and made part of it an outdoor winter destination that is also well-used, but sure.
They built a massive new (beautiful and well-used) park and were engaged in the planning stages for another, restored, revitalized, and re-opened the Cinesphere, brought in a number of interesting festivals, and made part of it an outdoor winter destination that is also well-used, but sure.

Facts don't matter. Where were the libs when transit....as they watch a dozen GO trains go by and moan about congestion on trains due to cut backs by the PCs.

The main issue with Ontario Place at present is the lack of direct transit access. Otherwise, I don't doubt that it would as busy as High Park in the summer. The current grounds and festival space is incredible. People who pooh pooh the place and concept need to take a couple of hours to visit. I really hope that one of our papers/media outlets does a report on it
I really hope that one of our papers/media outlets does a report on it
TorStar has had intense coverage on it. It hasn't escaped any of the media, the present touted execution being such a miscarriage of justice.

Top stories
From the beginning, Ontario Place was about the future

Toronto Star
1 day ago
Revitalize Ontario Place but don’t raze it, residents say at rally for waterfront park

Toronto Star
1 day ago
Hundreds voice concerns about future of Ontario Place

CityNews Toronto
1 day ago
Hundreds voice concerns about future of Ontario Place - 680 NEWS
680 News
2 days ago
Ontario Place must remain ‘family friendly’ and accessible to all, experts say. Here are their ideas
Toronto Star
2 days ago
What future of Ontario Place could look like
CityNews Toronto
2 days ago
Readers have lots of ideas for Ontario Place redevelopment
Toronto Star
2 days ago
Opinion | Editorial: Paving over Ontario Place for mall, casino would be travesty
The Hamilton Spectator
2 days ago
More for ontario place
Web results
TorStar has had intense coverage on it. It hasn't escaped any of the media, the present touted execution being such a miscarriage of justice.

Top stories
View attachment 170862
From the beginning, Ontario Place was about the future
Toronto Star
1 day ago
View attachment 170863
Revitalize Ontario Place but don’t raze it, residents say at rally for waterfront park
Toronto Star
1 day ago
View attachment 170864
Hundreds voice concerns about future of Ontario Place
CityNews Toronto
1 day ago
Hundreds voice concerns about future of Ontario Place - 680 NEWS
680 News
2 days ago
Ontario Place must remain ‘family friendly’ and accessible to all, experts say. Here are their ideas
Toronto Star
2 days ago
What future of Ontario Place could look like
CityNews Toronto
2 days ago
Readers have lots of ideas for Ontario Place redevelopment
Toronto Star
2 days ago
Opinion | Editorial: Paving over Ontario Place for mall, casino would be travesty
The Hamilton Spectator
2 days ago
More for ontario place
Web results

See, the media is all up in arms about the place...
Facts don't matter. Where were the libs when transit....as they watch a dozen GO trains go by and moan about congestion on trains due to cut backs by the PCs.

The main issue with Ontario Place at present is the lack of direct transit access. Otherwise, I don't doubt that it would as busy as High Park in the summer. The current grounds and festival space is incredible. People who pooh pooh the place and concept need to take a couple of hours to visit. I really hope that one of our papers/media outlets does a report on it

By extending the streetcar tracks from the current (terrible) location under the Gardiner, down to Ontario Place, they would better serve Enercare Centre and Ontario Place. Replacing the Ontario Place parking lot with a streetcar loop would be an improvement. Maybe elevate the tracks over Princes' Blvd., the surface parking lot, and Lake Shore Blvd. West,, so the poor unfortunates who still use the car can park. (Would be neat to see streetcars passing over the Honda Indy race cars.)
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