...I think it's called reading the room. Doesn't mean that I am right about that. And hopefully not.

And also, Mr. Bozikovic's tree removal news over from the previous page would be closest thing to a confirmation.
Sheesh, well forgive me for thinking a statement like “this is a done like dinner deal“ exudes 100% confidence.
Sheesh, well forgive me for thinking a statement like “this is a done like dinner deal“ exudes 100% confidence.
You're forgiven then. To be fair though, I should of made it more clear that I was taking a guess on a gut feeling and a dread! >.<

...either way, Doug's crap claim from the ambiguous link in question doesn't add up per usual, as it doesn't expunge the idea that this is bad deal for the rest Ontario. So sticking it to Toronto here is really sticking it to the rest of the province.
The idea that lots of people from outside of Toronto are going to drive downtown in traffic to go to Therme doesn't sound like a compelling business case to me.
In all fairness lots of people from outside Toronto drive down for the CNE every year and drive down for Leaf and Blue Jays games and to many events in the city.
Is there any public polling on this that shows if most Ontarians care about this, or even most Torontonians?
Is there any public polling on this that shows if most Ontarians care about this, or even most Torontonians?
the fact there isnt shows that most people truely do not care the slightest about this.

Ontario Place for all has some decent fundraising. go ask abascus to do some polling across ontario if they really want to dispute the idea that people would travel across ontario to visit this.
the fact there isnt shows that most people truely do not care the slightest about this.
...so the claim here is that the absence of a poll backs the government's position. I mean, that's a pretty spurious assertion where democracy is concerned, to put it mildly.
